
IABart's Avatar
I've been laying low just watching life go by. I gotta say, Iowa is a great place for a lot of reasons. I wish I could elaborate but really it's my choice to keep it in me. You all agree and you all have your reasons too.

My basic reason is, this is a really caring place and people are genuine and for the most part, it's a safe place.

I'll have to say, I may be in for seven days that you all would be lucky to live...
Irish14's Avatar
I agree Bart... After stints living in Missouri, Minnesota and Kansas, Iowa will always be home for me...
livn2do's Avatar
I can handle Iowa May - September. After that it pretty much blows. Cold weather and me just no longer get along. I hate having to search for my dick when the temperature drops into the wienie shrinking zone just to take a piss outside and gone are the days of snow fort building, sledding and the like. I never got into making snow angels but then again I am heterosexual. I mean if snow angels is your thing brother, more power to you. Make me one with tits and a vagina and I may change my tune.

October thru April I prefer to hibernate although I am forced to venture out of my cave for the occasional call of the wild since for me mating season is all year long and also for this pesky thing called a job, I never the less return to my cave to be warmed by a nice single malt. I will give Iowa this. Jack Kerouac said in his book On the Road that Des Moines was home to the most beautiful girls in the world and I cannot argue that. Beautiful, corn feed, sturdy, come to mama women who know how to take care of a man.

No I fancy myself a citizen of the world, particularly the warmer parts where the beer is cold and the clothing is scant. I will agree that Iowans are a rather nice bunch of folks for the most part and I really can't bitch all that much because after all I did choose to live least for a while. I enjoy the 1st in the nation caucuses every four years, the State Fair, the Steak de Burgo which is the finest in the Midwest, the 24 hour Mexican restaurant on Se 14th to satisfy those 4am street taco cravings, Templeton Rye Whiskey and the fact that somehow Iowans were progressive enough to become the 3rd state in the union to grant same sex marriage if that kind of thing is what makes you tingle.

My one piece of advice to those who make the rules in this state would be to stop trying to be Minneapolis and just be who you are. For better or worse, just be yourself cause Minneapolis ain't all that and a bag of chips.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Rye whiskey? Never could find one that didn't taste like it was filtered through emery cloth.
I never heard as many jokes about Iowa as when I was in Minneapolis.

It was like OK vs TX.

Ohio Vs Penn. etc.

Myself I always enjoyed my many stays in Iowa.
Growing up here was Ok, we did a lot of fun stuff, like spending all summer at Clear Lake, fishing , hunting, schools were good. But I also wanted to see other places and my parents never went anywhere, so two days after high school graduation I took off for the west coast, ending up in Alaska. Later I joined the Army and went to Calif. , Washington, Taiwan, Texas and Georgia. Spent a lot of time on the Florida east coast while in Ga. Later traveled Alabama and Tennesee. Went to Mexico a few times when I was stationed in Texas.
Finally ended up back in Iowa. But like Livin', I don't like the winters anymore. The desert is my favorite place, so in a few years, we'll be moving to somewhere in the south west. Preferably some state with no state income tax. That's the other undesirable about Iowa right now.
livn2do's Avatar
I love the high desert of Nevada
From a blizzard to 100 degree plus temperatures just 10 days apart. That's Iowa!
I must say that both the ladies and gents have treated me with open arms while visiting. And many have been very helpful.

Good post IABart!
IABart's Avatar
Thx Kendall-glad it's been good to you and hope it continues to be-it's one of the friendliest spots around, and I've lived all over. Every place has its charm and every place is nice if you're open to their local culture (even New York City), but Iowa is just so...

DallasRain's Avatar
I luv Iowa ....I always feel "luved well" when I visit!
At least the sun is shining today. But continuous rain for 2 weeks straight? Another reason I can't wait to move to the desert.
I am a born and raised Iowan. I have visited many places in the states and a few in Canada and Mexico (love the chicas). I stay in part due to the weather and sometimes in spite of it. The ladies who live here are awesome and our visiting ladies are equally wonderful. The variety seems to be delivered to us in small doses, but it is much better than all of my time in San Fran.

Great question IABart.

BTW - You southern ladies remember this is the best time to come up here if you don't want anything colder than the AC in your car or hotel. <wink> <wink>
DallasRain's Avatar
quote==BTW - You southern ladies remember this is the best time to come up here if you don't want anything colder than the AC in your car or hotel. <wink> <wink>

on the way baby..........