Please let me re-introdduce myself

My name is Johnny, I was very active in this Hobby 10-15 years ago. I completely stopped due to real world relationship. I do not like to cheat so I stepped away. I am no longer in that relationship so thought I’d explore this territory again. In the past couple weeks I’ve been exploring options it seems a few things have changed, but will be looking for advice from those who stayed with it. I will be getting a P411 account here soon and I actually am scheduling an appointment for this Sunday. I have a lot of downtime this week so may work on trying to see if anyone is available mid week as well but wanted people to have some insight as they see posts from me and question why I’m new or don’t have any reviews yet. I also frequently travel to Florida and Michigan so may see what’s available in those areas as well.
DallasRain's Avatar
Ill be there real soon shameless plug lol

lots of sweet gals here

sorry if I forgot anybody..but thats a few I know are great!

have fun!!
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Welcome back, my dear! :-)