hobbyist jogi went mia on me. questions that need answers since I'm a newbie

PilarWaters's Avatar
After spending a day trading emails back and forth , hobbyists jogi and myself had decided to meet 10am this morning for breakfast, shopping, then play.

It was his idea to go shopping as he said that he wants to see me smile. He asked me to make a shopping list. MK watch and brand new swimsuit is what I asked for. He agreed and said we should shop for lingerie too (I seen that coming), along with some heels and a new black cocktail dress to which I agreed.

In his last email he gave me his number, and told me to text when I woke up to confirm. I woke up, text him at 8:40am to which he didn't respond until 9:10, stating thayy we could meet for breakfast or lunch and wait until the stores opened(msg recieved at 9:10)

I responded immediately telling him to call Café and put is on there waiting list because I frequent this café, and know Sundays are crazy busy due to awesome brunch and the church crowd(sent at 9:12). I gave him instructions about being showered and how to give me my donation.(sent at 9:17)

So I shower, start brushing my hair, and still have yet to hear back from him. At 9:58 I sent him a text asking if we were on for 11am - no response at all.

I was wondering if it it was possible that he thought he would not have to give a donation since he was supposedly going to take me on a "shopping spree" as said a couple of times. Nonetheless, even if there was a miscommunication , he still should have let me know if he felt there was some confusion on either side. Instead he disappeared.

Are there any providers who accept gifts rather than actual currency? My thought on it is that "cash is king"I can't pay rent or school with an MK watch and lingerie (I guess essentially I could)

He still could have had the decency to text and let me know he had a change of heart. It's not okay to waste people's time
PilarWaters's Avatar
I guess there is a reason he has posted ZERO reviews. If it sounds too good to be true, then it is. All the other hobbyists I have met have been 100% amazing. I guess they can't all be perfect
Sounds like you got taken for a ride. Sorry hon. Better to just keep it simple and forego all the meet ups and shopping. You wasted a day on this guy and would have wasted another if you went shopping with him.

Being new on the board, you can take in enough in that time to buy two MK watches and the other stuff you mentioned. Be smart and make what you can while you can. Ain't no pussy like new pussy, sweetie and you have a pile of gold hiding in your panties.

It's very simple here: be professional in your correspondences and leave them satisfied. Don't waste your time on SD wannabes and relationship junkies. The real SD situations develop over time during actual appointments and not over coffee and shopping on a Sunday morning.

Good luck, sexy lady!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Don't waste your time on SD wannabes and relationship junkies. The real SD situations develop over time during actual appointments and not over coffee and shopping on a Sunday morning. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
^^^^ what she said.

There are a ton of guys who try to take advantage of the new girls. Stay on your game and dont fall for the bullshit. There are some cool chicks here that can give you advise when you're not sure about something.
PilarWaters's Avatar
Sounds like you got taken for a ride. Sorry hon. Better to just keep it simple and forego all the meet ups and shopping. You wasted a day on this guy and would have wasted another if you went shopping with him.

Being new on the board, you can take in enough in that time to buy two MK watches and the other stuff you mentioned. Be smart and make what you can while you can. Ain't no pussy like new pussy, sweetie and you have a pile of gold hiding in your panties.

It's very simple here: be professional in your correspondences and leave them satisfied. Don't waste your time on SD wannabes and relationship junkies. The real SD situations develop over time during actual appointments and not over coffee and shopping on a Sunday morning.

Good luck, sexy lady! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Thanks! Indeed a waste of a half day and loss of money I could have made elsewhere. Lesson Learned!
ManSlut's Avatar
Hmm, and I thought you were all about the meetups and the shopping, THN?...Oh well, back to the speculation board, my bad.
Hmm, and I thought you were all about the meetups and the shopping, THN... Originally Posted by ManSlut
Nope. I rarely meet anyone outside of an appt. Very rarely.
If this shopping trip was supposed to happen today, you might want to wait and hear from him before posting so soon. Give it 24 hours next time. There might be a good reason why he didn't get back to you.
bored@home's Avatar
Just my two cents and being new buys you a touch of forgiveness but without knowing everything it seems a bit quick to put someone on blast.
In all honesty you are likely spot on and got your time wasted but there is a chance something legitimately came up. Imediate feedback would be nice but sometimes thats not possible. Don't believe me? Search this forum for countless examples....

Now more to the point, all the guy has to do is post a well crafted retort in this thread and you will end up looking like the bad guy. It doesn't matter if it's valid or true, it just has to be somewhat believable by the masses. Guys who have nothing better to do than jump on the thread to share their opinion will align with or against you and it will build, fizzle then flop.
(hi pot..names kettle )

Regardless of who the thread count favors as the victor you run a major risk of being marked as drama inducing, non discreet, and bypassed... and then depending on popularity...having this thread linked to whatever future grievance may come down the pipe.

But...you are new and got the goods...so fuck it.
Give him and anyone who looks like him hell and a half
pyramider's Avatar
What is a MK watch?
What is a MK watch? Originally Posted by pyramider
Master Klein, Calvin Klein's father.
(Michael Kors)
If this shopping trip was supposed to happen today, you might want to wait and hear from him before posting so soon. Give it 24 hours next time. There might be a good reason why he didn't get back to you. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I have seen this hobbyist before and he was very sweet. He took me to dinner, got a nice hotel, and we both had a wonderful evening.

I know him to be a very busy man, so I would try to at least give him a chance.

But then again, if you two guys exchanged a lot of emails and had lengthy conversation before the date, then it would've been no surprise if things did not go through.

In essence, part of the date was already wasted in lengthy conversation.

And sadly, some guys get off on fantasy dates and conversations about shopping, traveling, and etc.
The meet ups beforehand is not a bad idea, especially if you have never seen them in person, and that has to be talked about and agreed to beforehand. If the session does not happen, then a $40 donation is appropriate then leave. All day shopping, dinner before hand OTC or going to a party or event with a provider is a bad idea to begin with, but because it takes a lot of time up, the provider will want a large donation for it, and that would be without a second of BCD time. That kind of stuff needs to be done on the SD/SB level, which, as been said in earlier posts in this thread, does not happen on the first meeting. In response to the OP question about barter, yes, it happens, and there is no rule against it or for it. Just be careful and make sure that laptop or tablet works or the giftcard is as much as he says it is before you do a session.
PilarWaters's Avatar
Just my two cents and being new buys you a touch of forgiveness but without knowing everything it seems a bit quick to put someone on blast.
In all honesty you are likely spot on and got your time wasted but there is a chance something legitimately came up. Imediate feedback would be nice but sometimes thats not possible. Don't believe me? Search this forum for countless examples....

Now more to the point, all the guy has to do is post a well crafted retort in this thread and you will end up looking like the bad guy. It doesn't matter if it's valid or true, it just has to be somewhat believable by the masses. Guys who have nothing better to do than jump on the thread to share their opinion will align with or against you and it will build, fizzle then flop.
(hi pot..names kettle )

Regardless of who the thread count favors as the victor you run a major risk of being marked as drama inducing, non discreet, and bypassed... and then depending on popularity...having this thread linked to whatever future grievance may come down the pipe.

But...you are new and got the goods...so fuck it.
Give him and anyone who looks like him hell and a half Originally Posted by bored@home
Okay thanks! So just to make sure, am I not supposed to reveal hobbyists name whom I feel like wasted my time? I understand not posting immediately because indeed there could have been a legitimate reason of not giving me a notice. Is revealing hobbyist handle considered not being discrete? So many rules and I'm trying not to step on any toes being a newbie
Okay thanks! So just to make sure, am I not supposed to reveal hobbyists name whom I feel like wasted my time? I understand not posting immediately because indeed there could have been a legitimate reason of not giving me a notice. Is revealing hobbyist handle considered not being discrete? So many rules and I'm trying not to step on any toes being a newbie Originally Posted by PilarWaters

New or not, give him a few days to respond before you call anyone out and at that time, he will call himself out with his response, but he may have a legit reason why he did what he did. It is very tough and frustrating when you get your time wasted, and that goes both ways. It is not against the rules to call someone out by their nick on here who you feel wronged you, but you cannot post RW info, i.e his phone number, on the public board. You can give the full number to the ladies in their back channels or via PM if you wish.