Posting Style and What is Happening to this Place?

billw1032's Avatar
OK, a question for everyone: How do you write a post? Is it the first thing that comes to mind and you dash it off in 15 seconds, or do you spend a lot of time thinking it through? Or, is it some of both depending on the situation? I know people form an opinion of members based on their posts. I certainly do. But if I look at mine (yeah, I know there aren't really that many) I'm not sure they give a very good picture of the person behind the handle. Anyone else worry about this, or does it concern you at all? Maybe it just takes practice.

Second question: What is happening to this place? There's a few well-know folks on the board that I had formed a very high opinion of based on their posts. Kinda came to the conclusion that they were very interesting people that I'd really like to meet and converse with. But lately it seems that a few of them have gone viral, almost like they turned into ECCIE vigilantes. I'm thinking of a few folks that I had (and hopefully still have) VERY HIGH respect for here. What happened to civility? Does anyone else see this, or is it just me? Am I expecting too much from this board? Interested in everybody's thoughts.

Maybe this should have been in the Sandbox, but this just seemed like the place for it.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-16-2011, 07:46 AM
There used to be much MORE civility when the community CARED and policed it's own membership. Either you got in line, and then had a blast or you got the eff out. At least how I saw it.
Personally, I've been on and off the boards (aspd and here) since 2001, and as far back as I can remember there have been some really cool people, some really informed people, some really ignorant people, and a bunch of assholes. Over the years I'm sure at one time or another I've belonged in pretty much every one of those categories.

Also as far back as I can remember, there have been people saying "what is happening to this place, it's going to hell and isn't like it used to be". Just my opinion, but I think it's all about perspective. The membership is always in flux, with guys and gals moving on and new people coming through the pipeline. Some "old guard" members naturally will feel over time that this place isn't their's anymore, because they've gone from being on the inside to feeling left out. Or they've gone from wielding power and respect to not being taken seriously by new people who don't know and don't care who they are.

That's why I think it's always good advice to remember that only two things really matter here. The quality of the information so that everybody can have fun and stay safe, and the entertainment value of seeing all these jackasses interact with eachother. The second you start taking this thing too seriously and thinking of everybody here as your community (some will be, but not everybody and not even most), IMO you've made a grievous error.
OK, a question for everyone: How do you write a post? Is it the first thing that comes to mind and you dash it off in 15 seconds, or do you spend a lot of time thinking it through? Or, is it some of both depending on the situation? Originally Posted by billw1032
I'm not sure if you mean posting for discussion, or advertising ourselves? So I really don't know what to say about it lol. I have only started one discussion post, more like a questionaire. I just come across as myself...don't know how other people take it, but I'm just me. As far as ads go, sometimes it takes me forever to think of what to say. & sometimes it just flows right out. Depends on the day and all, I suppose. I try to let my personality come through so the guys can see I'm a playful, open-minded, genuine girl. I don't think guys want to be with someone who's dull and uptight, so I try to be creative and playful with it.

Second question: What is happening to this place? There's a few well-know folks on the board that I had formed a very high opinion of based on their posts. Kinda came to the conclusion that they were very interesting people that I'd really like to meet and converse with. But lately it seems that a few of them have gone viral, almost like they turned into ECCIE vigilantes. I'm thinking of a few folks that I had (and hopefully still have) VERY HIGH respect for here. What happened to civility? Does anyone else see this, or is it just me? Am I expecting too much from this board? Interested everybody's thoughts. Originally Posted by billw1032
I haven't been on here much, so idk what it was like before, as you say. I know there are all types of personalities on here. I am just now getting back into the business. I wanted to jump in & be apart of the hobbying community this time on the boards. Not sure if I'm talking about anything you're looking for, but there ya go!
Boltfan's Avatar
The problem with the membership self policing itself comes in 3 issues:

Sometimes people think they are right no matter what anyone else tells them. I have been "that guy" and I have been on the other side of it. Some mistake being a bully for pointing out common sense. Again, just like Bizz, I acknowledge I have been on both sides of this one.

Sometimes people think they deserve respect on a SHMB without doing anything to warrant said respect. Some people think longevity automatically should equal respect. If you have been on the board for ages (and previous boards) and you say something stupid don't get pissed when someone calls you out (or in my case) has a little fun with you.

Some people need to learn to laugh at themselves a bit. Have fun with this thing of ours. To quote Crash Davis, "Have fun goddamnit!"
In the absence of light darkness prevails.

Just live and let live.

Too many "special interests" groups here, both providers and hobbyist.
ca1962's Avatar
I have only been here seven months, but for the most part I find this an informative and entertaining site. Between the reviews, ads, alerts, co-ed and men's room discussions, and even chat, my hobbying has been made more enjoyable.
If that means there is some drama, juvenile hissy-fits, long-winded posts about nothing and other nonsense that goes along with it, I can quickly get past it and move on to something that interests me.
I would rather keep a colorful mix of characters, even if that means letting a few blowhards pontificate, than to have a threat of being banned keep everyone from speaking their mind.
Just my two cents
PODarkness's Avatar
For myself, most posts are written, then proof read, then correct grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes. Proof read. Decide I have not gotten my point across. Rewrite second paragraph. Proof read. Decide I sound like an egotistical idiot. Rewrite 3rd paragraph. Continue until I cant remember why I was posting, and send what ever is left.

I'm exaggerating, but there is a bit of truth there.

As for the vibe of the board, I don't think it's changed much. My perception has. As I learn, get to know others, learn to recognize the truth & the BS, it seems as though the board has changed. Logic tells me it probably hasn't.
If you post anything colorful, you're likely to provoke animosity from one side or the other. best thing to do is just keep your head down and not say too much. Keep your posts neutral.
It's an Internet board. No matter when you jump in, there will always be a 'what happened to this place?' post. I've seen it on watch forums, golf forums, car forums. People will wax philisophic about the 'good old days' when it was a small tight knit community.

Hell, people claimed hobby boards were going to back in 2010 was the 'good old days'.

Someone nailed it earlier. There is always some good, some bad and a lot of filler and you learn to filter it out.
It's playtime here...ain't a damn thing anyone can say or do to me here and get me riled.

Meanwhile, people are getting their heads chopped off in Sudan.
Caitlyn's Avatar
I have often had the same questions as Billw...
There used to be much MORE civility when the community CARED and policed it's own membership. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
I saw a mod refer to this also. He wished the members would keep the membership in line. I'm curious as to how you do that without adding to the pissing contest. I think much of it is bored members who sit in front of their computers hoping for any kind of interaction with people here.

The posts where guys are still arguing back and forth after 10-15 posts kill me. I prefer one "knock it off" and then a vacation.

I'm curious to read how the membership would police the other members without fanning the embers.

Peace my brothers and sisters.
Most of the people who wish to "police" others, are sh*t stirrers themselves.

There is a life outside of this board and outside of this lifestyle... some people forget that. While I understand the need to vent sometimes, Lord knows I have done it, there are more important things going on in the world that we could be fighting for or about.

The mods have a thankless job here. Do I agree with everything they do or say? No, but I wouldn't want that responsibility until I walk a mile in their shoes.....

Let's have fun people! This is supposed to be an escape from reality, not a rehashing of the same old BS you get at home or at work. Being behind a computer doesn't make you tough or makes you a coward..if you can only be an ass behind a monitor.

Great post Billw...sorry if I went off topic a bit.
There is a life outside of this board and outside of this lifestyle... some people forget that. While I understand the need to vent sometimes, Lord knows I have done it, there are more important things going on in the world that we could be fighting for or about. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
That is exactly right!