I called the problems in Iraq a day ahead of time so...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
lets talk about all those kids in the soutwest that the federal government is treating like chattel. Young people given tickets to bus stops in Arizona, New Mexico, and California but when they get off....nothing. They're on their own. How many will be raped or attacked? How many will be robbed or injured? How many will just disappear into the night? This is the work of the federal government and Obama. Obama said that he would not send back the "dreamers" but these are not them. They were not born here and have no legal right to claim any form of citizenship in the US. An official said, "this is more than we anticipated". Understand? They anticipated something like this would happen but not on this scale. The Border Patrol blames Obama; http://www.wnd.com/2014/06/ex-border...-orchestrated/

We will have some deaths, we have already had some rapes and you have only Obama to blame (Bush had nothing to do with this).
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Excellent point, JD. No one wants to defend Obama on this.
The OP was about Iraq then the rant was about kids. OK makes sense to me.
You may have caught the Iraq story early; but you are days behind on the children-at-our-border crisis...just saying.


And don't under-estimate the Obamazombies ability to ignore reality and blame Bush.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I saw it early but have not commented on it yet. Which makes me wonder, if it wasn't for certain people here how many of these stories would ever get mentioned. I think we would have nothing but wall to wall "Bush" comments or "Rush" comments.

On the children, this is the new slavery brought to you by the people who brought you the old slavery. In the old days they journey'd to a distant land and brought back people to serve their needs in this country. Today, they just let the people from a distant land come here to serve their needs. The modern democrats is willing to put their children up in poor housing, indoctrinate them into their duties (vote democrat, protest when they tell them to, and serve as an example of how bad a country America is), and always remember that the democratic party owns them body and soul.

The democrats have long said that illegals come to this country to do the work that Americans won't do....how many hours should a 10 year old have to work Mr. Democrat? Because you're inporting children now. Your lies have been exposed or is this even more sinister. You're using the children as bait to catch the parents. Kunta Kinte would have been shocked at how you've evolved your little set up. Free handouts to illegals to democratic votes. The new triangle trade.
lets talk about all those kids in the soutwest that the federal government is treating like chattel. Young people given tickets to bus stops in Arizona, New Mexico, and California but when they get off....nothing. They're on their own. How many will be raped or attacked? How many will be robbed or injured? How many will just disappear into the night? This is the work of the federal government and Obama. Obama said that he would not send back the "dreamers" but these are not them. They were not born here and have no legal right to claim any form of citizenship in the US. An official said, "this is more than we anticipated". Understand? They anticipated something like this would happen but not on this scale. The Border Patrol blames Obama; http://www.wnd.com/2014/06/ex-border...-orchestrated/

We will have some deaths, we have already had some rapes and you have only Obama to blame (Bush had nothing to do with this). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Suddenly, you're concerned about the welfare of the children. And all it took was the opportunity for you to concoct this bizarre theory as a part of your ODS. Get some help Admiral, you need medication.
Excellent point, JD. No one wants to defend Obama on this. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Which part of it is an excellent point COG? Have you lost your fucking mind? You're actually buying into this insane fantasy?
You may have caught the Iraq story early; but you are days behind on the children-at-our-border crisis...just saying.


And don't under-estimate the Obamazombies ability to ignore reality and blame Bush. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The two jack-wagons argue about who got the faux scoop. Pathetic booger-eaters.
Fuck you TrannyBoy........

When will uou stand for honest government???

Fuck you TrannyBoy........

When will uou stand for honest government???

Never. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Booger eater.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Booger eater. Originally Posted by timpage

Fifty bucks says the Smails kid picks his nose.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

The song of slavery. Should make you lefties feel warm all over and patriotic.