You make an appointment... Who's suppose to follow up?

mrfantastical's Avatar
So I'm a newbie to the hobby. I ran into a situation where I made an appoint 3 days in advance.

Light communication, the next day, and no communication the day before the appointment. So day and time of the appointment comes around and My provider doesn't show, and doesn't respond to messages.

I finally get a message about 6 hours later, from provider apologizing. Then she said that I should confirmed the day before.

Again I'm new, but is that the ediquette for the hobby? Since I make the appt, I should have confirmed the day before?

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-21-2016, 04:54 PM
You should confirm an hour before the appointment.

Make you appointment whenever you want to but if you don't confirm an hour before in my experience then the appointment isn't going to happen.
Chung Tran's Avatar
you should... I rarely make an appt. more than 3 hours in advance, but if it is longer, I follow up 2 hours prior... if you don't, the Provider forgets, books someone else, or goes and gets her nails done, assuming you weren't serious.
HobbyPilot's Avatar
You. Verify 24 hours prior, then again 1 hour prior.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Some things I am "on top of" and some I need like 100 reminders for LOL

THIS is not something I think I would need a lot of help with, but I can't often (read: ever lol) schedule in advance either.

If scheduling the day before, though, I would try to AT LEAST confirm at the point before I start whatever "preparation" I'd do immediately before the appointment -- be it just getting up and shaving/showering, closing things down at work, or getting ready for a longer than normal drive. If scheduling more than 2-3 days ahead, then maybe morning of. Otherwise, if it's like a week out, then probably the day before.
I ask the guy if it's ok to text him with directions and to confirm with him a couple hours before the appointment (mostly because of drive time with directions and such), and that usually works.

Sorry you went through that.
Randall Creed's Avatar
This is why I prefer same day stuff. If we're in the same town at the same time, why is there a 'waiting period'? I may be horny at the time I make the appointment, but who knows how I'll feel by Thursday, or Friday, or Saturday or whatever day the appointment is.

With same day stuff, it's easier not to get bumped or forgotten about. If we agree, at 9am, for example, to see each other at 2pm, that's just much better than saying, hey it's 9am on Monday. Let's get together on Friday at 4pm. What happens during the week? That's too much anticipation for me, short of her (or me) coming in from out of town.

As far as following up, BOTH PARTIES should have involvement. One should reach out, and the other should be EXPECTING a reach out, and vice versa.

I've been in situations where the provider plays dumb the day of. Y'all go into that radio silence, where you ignore our calls and texts, until two hours after. Then you file in with all kinds of excuses.

Not all of you, but some of you do it.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
There are no set rules that work better for all. For prebooking, I let them know that I will confirm the morning of the appt. And, prebooking is great and works out just as well as making same day appts for some, If not better. It just depends on both parties and if something comes up between the time it is set and the time of confirmation. If you prefer prebooking and she doesn't offer to confirm, it may be best to let her know that you will.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't often make appointments days ahead of time. But it's certainly permitted for either party to check on the status of the appointment. However, the provider is the one offering the appointment and the client is the customer. If the appointment can't be honored, it should be incumbent on the provider to give as much notice as possible. Absent extraordinary circumstances, it is inexcusable for a provider not to provide advance notice of a cancelled appointment.

By analogy, I'm a lawyer. If you have an appointment with me and a conflict comes up, you're not supposed to call me and confirm. Someone in my office calls you, explains the conflict and why we couldn't have anticipated it, apologizes profusely, and sets you a new appointment. And then when I meet you, I apologize again. Customer service isn't brain surgery.
I always ask the gent to confirm a couple of hours before our appt. If he's a new friend, thats when I will send my address/directions. If I don't hear from him I assume it's a no go.
flanker1017's Avatar
I would much rather over confirm than under confirm.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I like to confirm the night before or the morning of. When the appointment is initially set, I let my friend know when he can expect confirmation from me.

If she didn't confirm, then you should have a few hours before the meeting was scheduled.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
You. Verify 24 hours prior, then again 1 hour prior. Originally Posted by HobbyPilot
There are no set rules that work better for all. For prebooking, I let them know that I will confirm the morning of the appt. And, prebooking is great and works out just as well as making same day appts for some, If not better. It just depends on both parties and if something comes up between the time it is set and the time of confirmation. If you prefer prebooking and she doesn't offer to confirm, it may be best to let her know that you will. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
I would much rather over confirm than under confirm. Originally Posted by flanker1017
Very frequently, at least in my experience, if a guy makes an appointment a few days in advance, often he will either cancel or just not follow through.

So it's very important to follow up.

Everyone has given some good advice here. If you schedule on a Monday with me for a Thursday, then a quick little note telling me that you're looking forward to meeting with me (do this the day before) is very helpful.

Also, I require a brief phone call before meeting. Since I don't keep records, I ask to speak to you pretty close before meeting.

Then, confirming the morning of is important. Or I'll contact you to confirm.

Either way, there needs to be some dialogue back and forth during the few days since making that appointment.

Just TOO many guys, and females, are bad about keeping their obligations. I'm not ... but a lot of people are.

So just be very thorough with your expectations and keeping in touch until ... you're able to touch. grin.

Hope this is helpful!

rexdutchman's Avatar
I always make appointments 2-3 days out , and confirm morning afternoon etc. Also most providers will have you call text when you arrive.( still with this there have been some no shows )
ten_man's Avatar
I only do same day/night appointments.