Why We Are All Here... Small Rant?

Hello Lovely Providers and Fellow Hobbyists...

Just figured I'd go ahead and venture to get a couple of things off my chest in regards to some of the in-fighting that has been diluting the board.

I should note that I had a previous handle (please pm if interested) and have been part of this community for a bit now. I like to do my due diligent research when it comes to seeing a provider and also choose to comment wisely when I feel it is necessary.

I hail from Ft. Worth and since I get bored in the afternoon at work, occasionally I tend to check out their boards and have noticed that there is a hell of a lot of drama going on there (DFW) recently. We have had some here, though not as significant and as hell raising as the metroplex 200 miles north of us.

That being said, I felt compelled to respond to something that Claire said recently about us gentleman that just happen to have jobs that pay us well enough to be able to pay for some play if we so choose.

OBVIOUSLY not everyone on this board has disposable income for disposable pussy. Yes some of us save up and try and see a lovely that would be out of our reach otherwise, but others maybe just get the thrill of being able to window shop and decide that they would like to fuck provider X because of such and such. It also perturbed me that Claire claimed that well off gentleman here were here for the most part because they "had no game" in the real world.

Please let me be clear on this. I am not calling out Claire or singling her out on this. I have read other posts that have been in this same vein (including a provider that I have seen in the past) from other ladies who could give a fuck less. But it really kind of chaps my ass when they are so blatant to think that us gentleman here are only here because we have no "game".

I will not go into details about my civil life and the game I spit at ladies in RW. But I will say this: I choose to hobby when I do because it is taboo for me and creates an excitement that I do not sometimes get when chasing down and sealing the deal with a girl that I deem sexy in the RW and taking her home and having a fantastic time.

I do this hobby for convenience and the thrill of uncertainty. I hate that there is name calling and unsportsmanlike conduct here more often than not. I appreciate the hobbyists that give informative reviews and contribute to the board just the same as the lovely ladies and providers that work so hard to be professional and not worry about a "no" review or get caught up in some nonsense bullshit.

If you have made it this far, thanks for reading. I'm still learning here and trying to find my way even though I've been around a couple of years. I think this is a great forum and look forward to continuing to live life to the fullest and find out who the fuck does and doesn't care about this! Ha ha..


Allow me to elaborate a little:

I didn't mean to imply that everyone is here because they have no game, or that having no game somehow implies that everyone is pathetic (as the other hobbyist inferred). What I wrote about in the other thread is that the vast majority of you are married and as such have been out of the dating world for a very long time. People get lazy/complacent in their relationships and don't feel like they even need game anymore because, hey, I'm married, it's all good. (Hell, if wives had game, most of the guys wouldn't be here, right?) As I said in my other post, most of you wouldn't be able to pick up a chick in a bar even if she was wearing an "I love to fuck" t-shirt. Hell, even I don't have game when it comes to the bar scene. I can't pick up a guy to save my life. Not in a bar, not at HEB, not at the gym. The irony, I know!

The other part of that argument that I neglected to bring up (I'm ADD, I get sidetracked very easily, which is why I dislike posting because I never say everything that I had originally thought of), is that the hobby is all about discretion. Sure, you may have game enough to pick up a gorgeous woman at a bar, but how sure are you that she isn't going to knock on your door, stalk you, tell your wife, etc.? Within the hobby, you are almost guaranteed confidentiality. I say almost because I've heard a story of two of crazy providers doing some fucked up things and damn near outing their clients. I have a client who is close to my age and attractive (I'd pick him up in a bar). He said to me one time, "I shouldn't have to pay for sex." Dude, you're not paying for sex. You're paying for discretion. You're paying me not to ask you to leave your wife for me. You're paying me not to stalk you. You're paying for a guaranteed good time that you don't have to worry about biting you in the ass later.

My apologies for not elaborating in my earlier post. I truly wasn't trying to imply that y'all are a bunch of pathetic losers with no game. Just inherently lazy men ;-P Ha! J/k!
No you said what you said , no back peddling . Own the fucking ugly shit you said , because my guess is you will be held accountable for it , as have been said plenty of times , think before you press submit , because you can't back peddle and take them back , or spin it nicer . Nobody will ever hear anything but your first and likely true feelings .
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Why am I here......4...pussy.

Still Looking's Avatar
Why am I here......4...pussy.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
BBW pussy! Where are those reviews? LOL
Still Looking's Avatar
Allow me to elaborate a little:

I didn't mean to imply that everyone is here because they have no game, or that having no game somehow implies that everyone is pathetic (as the other hobbyist inferred). What I wrote about in the other thread is that the vast majority of you are married and as such have been out of the dating world for a very long time. People get lazy/complacent in their relationships and don't feel like they even need game anymore because, hey, I'm married, it's all good. (Hell, if wives had game, most of the guys wouldn't be here, right?) As I said in my other post, most of you wouldn't be able to pick up a chick in a bar even if she was wearing an "I love to fuck" t-shirt. Hell, even I don't have game when it comes to the bar scene. I can't pick up a guy to save my life. Not in a bar, not at HEB, not at the gym. The irony, I know!

The other part of that argument that I neglected to bring up (I'm ADD, I get sidetracked very easily, which is why I dislike posting because I never say everything that I had originally thought of), is that the hobby is all about discretion. Sure, you may have game enough to pick up a gorgeous woman at a bar, but how sure are you that she isn't going to knock on your door, stalk you, tell your wife, etc.? Within the hobby, you are almost guaranteed confidentiality. I say almost because I've heard a story of two of crazy providers doing some fucked up things and damn near outing their clients. I have a client who is close to my age and attractive (I'd pick him up in a bar). He said to me one time, "I shouldn't have to pay for sex." Dude, you're not paying for sex. You're paying for discretion. You're paying me not to ask you to leave your wife for me. You're paying me not to stalk you. You're paying for a guaranteed good time that you don't have to worry about biting you in the ass later.

My apologies for not elaborating in my earlier post. I truly wasn't trying to imply that y'all are a bunch of pathetic losers with no game. Just inherently lazy men ;-P Ha! J/k! Originally Posted by Claire She Blows

blenderhead's Avatar
I'm not married anymore so my game is back! :-D But I still want to hobby.. Imagine that. Free pussy doesn't come with no strings attached even when you're single. Drama, jealousy, clinginess, CRAZY!!!!!!!
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
BBW pussy! Where are those reviews? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
SL, you can be so silly some times, I like that and enjoy your attempts to bait me you really want to know what my preference is, look at my reviews, and look at what I say about my hobby in posts. It is all there.

I like that you keep trying to make me say something that you want to hear, it's amusing

Cary on

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I'm not married anymore so my game is back! :-D But I still want to hobby.. Imagine that. Free pussy doesn't come with no strings attached even when you're single. Drama, jealousy, clinginess, CRAZY!!!!!!! Originally Posted by blenderhead
I won't speak for all here because it my instigate a long drown out response, but I do think that those that are not in a committed relationship still have game. The saying "game" is very subjective. I do think that most of the guys that still have game come here for obvious reasons. For me I left my civi FB and came back here, I just want verity and like many have said over the year, hassle free sex.

This board is like a game too, isn't it?

Happy Diver's Avatar
I'm here because I like sex, I like reading about sex and I like being in touch with people who like sex. There's nothing like a naked woman for me. Sex. I never had a game as far as I know.
Allow me to elaborate a little:
What I wrote about in the other thread is that the vast majority of you are married and as such have been out of the dating world for a very long time. People get lazy/complacent in their relationships and don't feel like they even need game anymore because, hey, I'm married, it's all good. (Hell, if wives had game, most of the guys wouldn't be here, right?) As I said in my other post, most of you wouldn't be able to pick up a chick in a bar even if she was wearing an "I love to fuck" t-shirt. Hell, even I don't have game when it comes to the bar scene. I can't pick up a guy to save my life. Not in a bar, not at HEB, not at the gym. The irony, I know! Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
That's not an issue, at least as it might apply to a divorcee. A well off mid 40s divorcee who's not morbidly obese or sporting extra limbs looking for 35+ women (maybe 30+) is inundated with opportunity and requires absolutely no game at all, unless the game we're talking about is dodge-ball. It's the opposite of high school. There are lots of reasons why the dynamic reverses at this age...women's biological clock, desire to settle down and be taken care of, societal stigma of "spinster" looming, fading looks on the horizon.

At the same time the well off 45 year old divorcee has less reason to want to "settle down" and probably already has his kids and even gets to see them sometimes...and usually "settling down" didn't exactly go great last time he tried it.

His experience? A veritable parade of women will serially try to run the same game...

Step 1: Dating non exclusive. I don't want to settle down either. Great sex. We love the same stuff!! OMG. 3-6 months.

Step 2: I'd like to be exclusive. Great sex. We love the same stuff!! OMG. 1 year.

Step 3: I need to know commitment is at least a possibility. Great sex. We love the same stuff!! OMG. 3 months.

Step 4: We're living together and engaged. Great sex. We love the same stuff!! OMG. 1-1.5 years.

Step 5: Yay we're married. Good sex. We love mostly the same stuff!. 1 years.

Step 6: Baby! Sex when I feel like it or I think you're so dissatisfied you might say screw it. Oh and now you get to learn what I really think about stuff. Hope we're coincidentally compatible.

Unless he's an idiot, he's going to be planning to jump ship after step 1 or 2 since our hypothetical divorcee is now more experienced both in his own right and watching all his divorced friends. Most call that plan "serial monogamy" and you hear it a lot.

Eventually for whatever mysterious reason, he'll get pulled into the full ride, seems to be baked into our dna Or maybe he just gets tired of the eventual "you used me!" scene that happens regardless of what committments had (not) been made for messing up her plans. Maybe once he realizes that this is really the unsaid goal of most "casual" dates or "girlfriends" he starts to feel deceptive and isn't comfortable with that, even with the excuse that she was lying about her intentions.

"The Hobby" for a man in this situation is an attempt to avoid this whole mess I think.
Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
I will confess - I am here because I most definitely have no game - never have, likely never will. If it is possible for someone to have negative game, that is what I have. Couldn't get laid in a cat house with two fistfuls of tuna.
Free pussy doesn't come with no strings attached even when you're single. Drama, jealousy, clinginess, CRAZY!!!!!!! Originally Posted by blenderhead
That's not an issue, at least as it might apply to a divorcee. A well off mid 40s divorcee who's not morbidly obese or sporting extra limbs looking for 35+ women (maybe 30+) is inundated with opportunity and requires absolutely no game at all, unless the game we're talking about is dodge-ball. It's the opposite of high school. There are lots of reasons why the dynamic reverses at this age...women's biological clock, desire to settle down and be taken care of, societal stigma of "spinster" looming, fading looks on the horizon.

At the same time the well off 45 year old divorcee has less reason to want to "settle down" and probably already has his kids and even gets to see them sometimes...and usually "settling down" didn't exactly go great last time he tried it.

His experience? A veritable parade of women will serially try to run the same game...

Step 1: Dating non exclusive. I don't want to settle down either. Great sex. We love the same stuff!! OMG. 3-6 months.

Step 2: I'd like to be exclusive. Great sex. We love the same stuff!! OMG. 1 year.

Step 3: I need to know commitment is at least a possibility. Great sex. We love the same stuff!! OMG. 3 months.

Step 4: We're living together and engaged. Great sex. We love the same stuff!! OMG. 1-1.5 years.

Step 5: Yay we're married. Good sex. We love mostly the same stuff!. 1 years.

Step 6: Baby! Sex when I feel like it or I think you're so dissatisfied you might say screw it. Oh and now you get to learn what I really think about stuff. Hope we're coincidentally compatible.

Unless he's an idiot, he's going to be planning to jump ship after step 1 or 2 since our hypothetical divorcee is now more experienced both in his own right and watching all his divorced friends. Most call that plan "serial monogamy" and you hear it a lot.

Eventually for whatever mysterious reason, he'll get pulled into the full ride, seems to be baked into our dna Or maybe he just gets tired of the eventual "you used me!" scene that happens regardless of what committments had (not) been made for messing up her plans. Maybe once he realizes that this is really the unsaid goal of most "casual" dates or "girlfriends" he starts to feel deceptive and isn't comfortable with that, even with the excuse that she was lying about her intentions.

"The Hobby" for a man in this situation is an attempt to avoid this whole mess I think. Originally Posted by irishlad
I hadn't even thought of that!
Couldn't get laid in a cat house with two fistfuls of tuna. Originally Posted by Luvdatpuddy