The Clear The Air and Respond Off Topic Thread that the OP will not ask to be closed.

Whispers's Avatar
Rather than spin other threads into never never land

Feel free to discuss any topic in this thread with me and others that care to go. I think if we were in Glee Club we could call this a Mashup.....

Let me get started.....

In Scarlet Rossi's thread on the biggest asses......

Annef in Post #201 asks me to respond to her Post#159
Whispers, if you are going to respond to something and tout yourself as some some sort of anti-hero, please respond to this post. Originally Posted by Annef
Anne? Please refer to Post #164 on Page 11...

Perhaps you were little caught up with Rocker Rick at the time.....

You got the same in depth thoughts that Scarlet did.

Sorry honey... I didn't mean to make you jealous but please pay attention next time when I am paying attention to you!
Whispers's Avatar
In the same thread saustin, in his/her never ending attempt to discredit others when he has no established credit of any kind himself asked....

Do you assert he speaks for the 50-70 people (how many were hobbyist?) that attend these events? What percentage of the broader community has attended his luncheons? I suspect less than 10% Originally Posted by saustin
Actually I have been around since 1999 and attended hundreds of luncheons, dinners and parties organized by members of these communities as well as organized many myself. I've met a lot of fine people and there is not a week that goes by that I do not have lunch with or a drink with or go out with some other member of this and or other similar communities.

I would suggest that those that show no interest in anything OTHER than arguing points from a keyboard really are not a part of any community at all.

Broader "community"? merely posting here does not make you part of a "community''
expresso's Avatar
Broader "community"? merely posting here does not make you part of a "community'' Originally Posted by Whispers

What!! But that's all I do!

Whispers's Avatar
Come back and play Anne! I gave you your full analysis as requested.
  • Annef
  • 09-21-2013, 10:45 AM
Oh whispers, was giving myself a little break. You are right on one point, this can get really undignified really quickly. Just kind of felt like we were all starting to behave like middle schoolers, myself included. Had to get my adult, sea legs back. Not really trying to bow out gracefully or anything (I think it might be too late for that, just kind of bored with it. This was the first thread I checked since coming back on. I haven't read your in depth analysis yet. I'll get to it though.
Whispers's Avatar
Oh whispers, was giving myself a little break. You are right on one point, this can get really undignified really quickly. Just kind of felt like we were all starting to behave like middle schoolers, myself included. Had to get my adult, sea legs back. Not really trying to bow out gracefully or anything (I think it might be too late for that, just kind of bored with it. This was the first thread I checked since coming back on. I haven't read your in depth analysis yet. I'll get to it though. Originally Posted by Annef

Ok But I do think you need to show a little love as the in depth was done before you asked for it meaning you got the attention you were demanding but never acknowledged it.... Kinda like me falling asleep while getting blown the other night...

What is that anyway? A testament to how boring her skills were or how exhausted I was?