Is This an Outing Threat, or Not?

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I linked this post earlier today in the Houston Forums and an Admin decided I was off-topic — lol, the thread was about "danger" and "threats" and where has everyone (notable members) gone. I'm a Houston member, a San Antonio member, an Austin member, a Dallas member, an ECCIE member — I post in all five forums. I've hobbied across the state. But the Admin didn't treat me as a forum member. He treated me as an outsider showing up with an outsider's problem

I suspect my post made the Admin uncomfortable. But I don't know why. Isn't part of his job to keep this place safe for the all of us? Shouldn't anything approaching a threat be taken very seriously? Extra seriously? Even if the threat originated in another city's forum, it is now in front of you. Why not address it?

"A name can be put to who you are"

That's the money quote. That's not sinister? That's not a threat? That type of comment should be allowed?

Maybe I'm wrong. Tell me what you think. Mods and Admins and Members, please weigh in.

black sunshine's Avatar
Simply knowing a name is not a threat.
Knowing a name and threatening to expose it is.

You need to learn to let go.......
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Simply knowing a name is not a threat.
Knowing a name and threatening to expose it is. Originally Posted by black sunshine
Right. That was my point too.
black sunshine's Avatar
That post makes no threat.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
That post makes no threat. Originally Posted by black sunshine
Then what is the point of the statement if not to imply threat?
black sunshine's Avatar
To wind you up..... success!
6 months later you're still spinning.....

On the other hand you have made numerous threats to his fundraising.....
Those were threats!
chicagoboy's Avatar
San Antonio drama.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
To wind you up..... success!
6 months later you're still spinning.....

On the other hand you have made numerous threats to his scamming.....
Those were threats! Originally Posted by black sunshine

I made no threats. I threatened no one. Or link a post where I did: ______

I am not "wound up" 6 months later. But I did, and still do, consider it a threat. And it sounds like you agree with me. You just said the point of the statement was to "wind me up" — threats usually do that.

And thank you for bringing up the BANNED monger's financial interest — makes the likelihood of a threat a bit greater, wouldn't you agree?

"Follow the money" they say.
black sunshine's Avatar
Try as you may to turn that into a threat it simply is not. And yes you definitely look still wound up.
I suspect if you keep it up in Houston you will end up vacationing.

I'm not going to go find links to your threats, I already read them before responding. You seem to follow him around (implying as you say) to harm his efforts. You do not say I'm finding information on it, you definitely keep implying you will damage efforts.

You Sir are a terrorist and you are making threats.

Let it go and get out from behind the computer screen, beautiful cool day out...... go have fun.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Says 9.62 posts a day to 3.25 posts a day. Good one.

(actually, I'm sitting out by the pool. You're right (that's twice today!), it's a lovely day)
universalenergy's Avatar
To wind you up..... success!
6 months later you're still spinning.....

On the other hand you have made numerous threats to MY fundraising.....
Those were threats! Originally Posted by black sunshine
Fixed that for you.
We know your sayings and who this Bandle really is!

God you twits down in TX are thin skinned. Sometimes I like to go to your forums just for the laughs.

Whispers is quite possibly one of the foulest, most ignorant creatures to ever curse the earth, but its pretty stupid to assume his post was a threat. I read it as he knows (or thinks he knows) that the person he is responding to is using a fake handle and thus he could expose the duplicate handle. But hey, take it as you wish. No skin off my nose.
Holy shit. I just noticed the date on the thread. Six MONTHS ago.

This is pure fukin hooker gold!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!

And you guys think the women are the crazy ones around here!
black sunshine's Avatar
Fixed that for you.
We know your sayings and who this Bandle really is!

Originally Posted by universalenergy
You are truly clueless.
universalenergy's Avatar
You are truly clueless. Originally Posted by black sunshine
We will see in a couple of months. All will be revealed.
Stay tuned same bat shit crazy channel and same bat shit crazy time.
People are coming forth by back channels with the information.
Soon all will be exposed for what is and has been going on.