annie@christophers's Avatar
Anyone watching the president elect speech! Lol. Trump just cancelled ALL foreign trade agreements,obamacare,and the wall starts . All Day 1 ...so the 20th. Mexico and China just got FUCKED. Also if our companies leave they will be treated as a foreign trade agreement. Meaning huge taxes.....:trampoline
Sancho80's Avatar
Say what!!!!!
annie@christophers's Avatar
Just came on....Google it. I guess he wasn't kidding. Says the wall is going up ...contracts will be signed. Any company leaving the states will be treated as a foreign company subject to all his new policies. Says it will produce millions of jobs almost impatiently. Good. Men without jobs can't afford women...j.s xxoo. Annie
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 01-11-2017, 11:14 AM
Did he claim responsibility for shutting down backpage?
Sancho80's Avatar

Guess we will see how it shakes out?
annie@christophers's Avatar
Said only he can grab pussy. Lol
wildwing's Avatar
The price of imported stuff will increase as well. Just don't know how much. As far as the wall goes I am all for it. They will develop a more lenient guest worker program. Many of the people hear illegally have overstayed their vizas. Gonna be interesting. Wonder if the FBI have anymore documents to turn over.
Did he claim responsibility for shutting down backpage? Originally Posted by jl11
What moron thinks that? The Feds have been on Backpage's ass for over a year now.
Did y'all watch a different news conference where he shot CNN down like it was a clay pigeon?
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 01-11-2017, 01:58 PM
What moron thinks that? The Feds have been on Backpage's ass for over a year now. Originally Posted by David-Louisiana
It's sarcasm that some might find humorous. It may be really more than a coincidence that it happens right around his inaguration. He's serious about shutting the borders down and we know how BP gets the trafficking rap and many are trafficked in across the borders. Does that seem logical? Even a little?
causewaycommuter's Avatar
Strap yourselves in, this is going to be bumpy ride!
Strap yourselves in, this is going to be bumpy ride! Originally Posted by causewaycommuter
and a prosperous one for producers. Didn't a major bank predict double GDP just this last week?

Clients will have more money to spend should make providers very very happy.

Outgoing Admin fucking killed a very sizable once in a lifetime profit for me on a multi year deal out of country the fricking economic morons.
causewaycommuter's Avatar
Lots of people are saying lots of things. But the reality is that no one has a clue how it is really going to play out. There are so many assumptions, wild cards and variables (both known and unknown) in play, I think it's impossible to accurately predict any medium to long term results in anything.
Lots of people are saying lots of things. But the reality is that no one has a clue how it is really going to play out. There are so many assumptions, wild cards and variables (both known and unknown) in play, I think it's impossible to accurately predict any medium to long term results in anything. Originally Posted by causewaycommuter
Of course there are variables but the fact remains that manufacturing has been fleeing the U.S. right and left since the mid 90's and it wasn't because of worker wages. Productivity is about cost per widget and the U.S. is still one of the leaders in cost per widget. It's the dumbass regs and miles of red tape that make producers flee. The flow increased in 1998 when manufacturers started getting paid huge tax credits to close and call themselves mothballed.

The cabinet picks ain't politicians for the most part which is very promising to actual producers.
Lots of people are saying lots of things. But the reality is that no one has a clue how it is really going to play out. There are so many assumptions, wild cards and variables (both known and unknown) in play, I think it's impossible to accurately predict any medium to long term results in anything. Originally Posted by causewaycommuter
One only needs to apply logic. You are about to see the rebirth of the American Industrial economy and the middle class. The outsourced insustrial sector over the last 20 years is what led to the stagnant economy and the out of control debt. The American Middle Class has historically resided in the manufacturing sector. In the 1990s, right before the signing of NAFTA, the Fed and globalists began pushing our economy as "Post-Industrial," stating that our economy had shifted from manufacturing to the service industry. However, you need a solid middle class in order to pay for service industries. So, as manufacturing slowly trickled out of the country, Middle class wages dried up, credit increased, and service industries began to hurt which has led to now. With the reignition of the American Manufacturing sector, you are going to stimulate the rebirth of the middle class, which will lead to explosive economic growth, and a return to the economic prosperity this nation hasn't seen in over 20 years.