Merrick Garland going before Congress.

Ole Merrick did his best Sgt Shultz impersonation…….
“I know nothing”.
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Hunter Biden surrendered in July and you didn't even know it.
His mugshot did not get leaked to the presstitues.
Did he get a cavity search or substance test?
He did get finger printed.
Did he really get tagged with 3 Federal gun felonies?
Will he get a new walk-away scott-free deal?
Is it customary to appoint a formerly anonymous art patron of his to a government role?
Do we have a two-tiered justice system?

Stay tuned
ICU 812's Avatar
The last time I saw a performance like that it was 1973 or so and John Earlichman was being evasive with Sen Sam Ervine and Sen Henry Baker.