Biden Exhibits Syptome of Dementia at Fund Raiser

ICU 812's Avatar

It is reported that while addressing a group of big donors at a private meeting, President Biden told an anecdote of how he chose to run again. He then repeated the story minutes later nearly word for word as though it was the first time he had spoken it that night.

This is a well known characteristic of dementia that is not subtle and is apparent to every one present.
That is easily explained.
They accidentally inserted it into the Tele Prompter a second time.

He accidentally read the same note card again.

Nothing to see here.
I’ll take dementia Biden over Trump any day.
eyecu2's Avatar
GOPhers think all votes for Biden were because he was a great candidate. He's Not. He's just not that other guy who 55% of America hates with a passion. I wish we had better choices on both sides but it will still come down to Nov being a vote for One guy, because they hate the other one.

Not naming names to protect the innocent.
winn dixie's Avatar
Biden exhibits symptom of dementia.
Biden is a bill board of dementia
DNinja69's Avatar
Makes you wonder who is really making decisions its obvious our elderly-relic-in-chief is well past his ?prime? and incapable of doing the job. I don't see our VP as a Cheney style right hand and would think at this point she wants some distance on her name when behind the scenes drama comes to light. The absurdity of our current White House is off the charts
ICU 812's Avatar
Folks: This is not really an issue of Trum p Vs Biden.

Prsident Reagan got, quite rightly, a huge amount of negative comment in his last year in office as his Alzhimers progressed enough to become noticed.

We are talking about the so-called leader of the free world in opposition to several of the worst predator nation states since the Mongolian Horde . . .Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

Remember the political ad that asked who you want answering the phone at 3AM? While it might not be Trump you want, I really don't think you want it to be President Biden any longer . . .or VP Harris ever.
It is absolutely a Biden v Trump question as long as those are the two presidential choices. I’ll take either of them or even the Biden family pet over Trump. It’s that simple. If Trump is my choice at 3am, I’m choosing anyone but. I’ll take dementia Biden, dead Biden, dementia Biden’s pet dog randomly hitting buttons with his paws over any decision making by Don the Con Trump.
GOPhers think all votes for Biden were because he was a great candidate. He's Not. He's just not that other guy who 55% of America hates with a passion. I wish we had better choices on both sides but it will still come down to Nov being a vote for One guy, because they hate the other one.

Not naming names to protect the innocent. Originally Posted by eyecu2
It depends on what you want. It's either "Dangerous Freedom or Peaceful Slavery" base your decision on that instead instead of who you like and who you don't. If you are truly honest with yourself you won't want a repeat of the last four years.
Lotsa food stamps and welfare checks coming across the border everyday. As soon as joe got in office, he halted construction on the wall.Stupid,stupid,stupid! Just for more dimocrat votes
Me and mine have done great in the past 4 years. And those prior to that. If you made bad choices, life likely sucked no matter who won. In fact I’m headed to my tailor now to discuss a tailor made midnight blue Brioni tux for Mardi Gras.
Tell us more about the 'fabulous' economy under the senile've tried in the past and FAILED miserably!!
ICU 812's Avatar
It is absolutely a Biden v Trump question as long as those are the two presidential choices. I’ll take either of them or even the Biden family pet over Trump. It’s that simple. If Trump is my choice at 3am, I’m choosing anyone but. I’ll take dementia Biden, dead Biden, dementia Biden’s pet dog randomly hitting buttons with his paws over any decision making by Don the Con Trump. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
@Well, the topic of the thread is President Biden's health and cognitive decline.

I will be surprised if President Biden can continue to sustain the physical and/or mental ability to perform even ceremonial functions of the Presidency let alone function as an effective executive in the coming months.

It is my judgment that he will not be able to finish out the remainder of this term for medical reasons. I put the odds of that at 50%.

For the same reasons of medical health, I make the odds of him not being the Democrat's presidential nominee at ~85%

Furthermore, elected or not, I place the odds of President Biden not living past 2024 at 100%. . . .for medical reasons of health.
ICU 812's Avatar
It is absolutely a Biden v Trump question as long as those are the two presidential choices. I’ll take either of them or even the Biden family pet over Trump. It’s that simple. If Trump is my choice at 3am, I’m choosing anyone but. I’ll take dementia Biden, dead Biden, dementia Biden’s pet dog randomly hitting buttons with his paws over any decision making by Don the Con Trump. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
No, it isn't Trump vs Biden. For Democrats the dilemma is Biden Vs Harris. Which one scares you the most?

But to move on . . .the topic of the thread is President Biden's health and cognitive decline.

I will be surprised if President Biden can continue to sustain the physical and/or mental ability to perform even ceremonial functions of the Presidency let alone function as an effective executive in the coming months.

It is my judgment that he will not be able to finish out the remainder of this term for medical reasons. I put the odds of that at 50%.

For the same reasons of medical health, I make the odds of him not being the Democrat's presidential nominee at ~85%

Furthermore, elected or not, I place the odds of President Biden not living past 2024 at 100%. . . .for medical reasons of health.
You said the same and similar things 4 years ago, 3 years ago, 2 years ago and 1 year ago. And guess what. He’s still around. You’re as wrong as red gumbo.