Chrissy Teigen, I love you...

There are two photos in this article that could be posted in the threads "Time for Some Tiutes" and "Time for Some Ass".

But this post isn't about her physical charms. I love what Chrissy had to say in tweets about that ridiculous "Teen Mom" skank:

You go, girl.

Here is my favorite tweet directed at feminists who criticized Chrissy for her comments about the Teen Mom slut: "Ladies: you aren't a super feminist for okaying super whores. you don't need to defend EVERYone with a vagina."


Now, if I can just get her to dump John Legend.
Can you get more gay ?


You go, girl...
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Here is the butt shot:

and the boob shot:
Can you get more gay? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Big talk from a guy named Whirlagay.

Someone posts a thread on this board about a hot woman (instead of Benghazi) and you somehow think it's gay.

Does that about sum it up, Mr. Goebbels?
That phrase is definitely trending gay............and gay guys love women; so the fact that you post some hot chicks doesn't absolve your very gayness..........

Just's ok to be out !

That phrase is definitely trending gay............and gay guys love women; so the fact that you post some hot chicks doesn't absolve your very gayness..........

Just saying.................. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Keep trying. Saying "You're a fag" is 6th grade humor. How appropriate for you.

BTW, who is doing the stalking now?

Look on the bright side, I got you to stop obsessing about Obama "scandals".
More Chrissy:

I hope that's not too gay for you, Whirlagay.
..and gay guys love women; Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Actually, no. They love men. Perhaps that explains your confusion.
Your knowledge of all things gay is impressive; knowing their likes and dislikes; you even chat like one....

Just saying...............
Your knowledge of all things gay is impressive; knowing their likes and dislikes; you even chat like one....

Just saying............... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
More 6th grade humor.

Just saying.
Your knowledge of all things gay is impressive; knowing their likes and dislikes; you even chat like one.... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Now, you realize that in this thread, you have already expounded several times about YOUR knowledge of all things gay, don't you?

Or did you miss that because you were obsessed with Benghazi and the IRS?

BTW, why don't you post about Senator Menendez any more? Did you give up on that lame "scandal"? Did you run out of fake evidence about Dominican teenage hookers?
She looks good from all sides!!!
Oh, wow. Nice. Very, very nice!

(Apologies to Whirlaway if I bumped one of his obsessive-compulsive threads off the front page.)
Here is the butt shot:

and the boob shot:
Originally Posted by ExNYer

Thanks now we all can love her. Fuck you whirrly.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
ExNYer, of all the fag, homo and poop epithets and comments on here, you get upset at Whirly's? Geez. I agree it is playground humor, which is why I rarely, if ever, use those types of insults, (However, I use plenty of other playground insults, which I think are quite humorous and clever, but I digress,) but come on. Grow up.