Reports: IRS Spared Liberal Groups as Tea Party Languished, More Conservative Orgs Targeted Than First Thought

Remember what we were told when this explosive story first broke less than a week ago? The IRS official in charge of tax exemptions for organizations said the improper methods employed within her division were executed by "low level workers" in Cincinnati who weren't motivated by "political bias," and impacted roughly 75 organizations? Wrong, wrong and wronG.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-15-2013, 02:34 PM
Obama IRS ... riiiiiiight

The day after he was elected I remember him firing all 90,000 people employed at the IRS, and putting in his own crew just to fuck with the tea party ..
Dumb shit thinks it is his personal agency.Jeeesh
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. Nothing is Obama's fault. It's not like he is the head of the Executive Branch, or anything like that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, EVERYTHING'S OBAMA'S FAULT! Except for the outbreak of herpes in the Salina bus station...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yeah. Nothing is Obama's fault. It's not like he is the head of the Executive Branch, or anything like that. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

You fucktards constantly bitch about the huge government we have and the area it covers but think one man can know every day operations. The CEO'S of major Banks and corps don't know what goes on every day.Welcome to the real world.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-16-2013, 07:34 AM
The buck did not stop with Bush or Clinton or Reagan, why now with Obama?
Krauthammer was talking about Benghazi, but he could have been talking about the IRS mess, or the AP phone records.

Here is the link:

Here is the sage advice:

"But the one advice I give to Republicans is stop calling it a huge scandal. Stop saying it's a Watergate. Stop saying it's Iran Contra. Let the facts speak for themselves. Have a special committee, a select committee. The facts will speak for themselves. Pile them on but don't exaggerate, don't run ads about Hillary. It feed the narrative for the other side that it's only a political event. It's not. Just be quiet and present the facts."

Of course, this isn't something a narcissistic ballsack like Whirlagay would EVER have the patience or intellect to do.

Because it is so much more emotionally fulfilling for that troll to start 28 threads on the subject and talk about "Worst. Scandal. Ever."
Of course, any sane person wouldn't interpret Krauthammer's opinion to mean that the public is NOT to discuss, debate, or otherwise present what is being openly discussed in media.

Krauthammer's advice was to not call it the "worst - scandal - ever.

I don't know anyone who has done that in the Sandbox.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The OBAMA IRS! I wasn't aware that they were working for him. I thought it was the BUSH IRS.

Your ongoing assault on sensibility is beyond tedious. It's an affront to all thinking Americans, left and right.

You fucking dullard!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
You fucktards constantly bitch about the huge government we have and the area it covers but think one man can know every day operations. The CEO'S of major Banks and corps don't know what goes on every day.Welcome to the real world. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
The CEO at the top may not need to know the daily mundane details of day to day operations, true. But when something starts going wrong, the Dept Heads and middle management send the info up the flagpole to the top, meetings are held and decisions are made. The real world is that when there is something even relatively major happening the guy at the top is brought into the loop. And if he's not, or he make the wrong decisions, heads roll....and sometimes its his head.

When all these Departments report up through the chain to the top guy, its ultimately his responsibility. That where the buck stops, and what we are not seeing here in these various cases going on.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-16-2013, 03:39 PM
The CEO at the top may not need to know the daily mundane details of day to day operations, true. But when something starts going wrong, the Dept Heads and middle management send the info up the flagpole to the top, meetings are held and decisions are made. The real world is that when there is something even relatively major happening the guy at the top is brought into the loop. And if he's not, or he make the wrong decisions, heads roll....and sometimes its his head.

When all these Departments report up through the chain to the top guy, its ultimately his responsibility. That where the buck stops, and what we are not seeing here in these various cases going on. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
the IRS reports to the Treasury, the only link the potus has to the IRS is the reports he gets from the Treasury ... in fact there certain federal laws that keep a potus out of the IRS

and that makes it Obamas IRS

maybe they should change the name on the building
IT happens in government and the private sector both.If the people in a area are thinking they are doing what their supposed to it will never go up the ladder..Had a guy on PBS who tried to explain that all the new requests coming from super pacs were supposed to be checked .They cut him short to go to politico rep so he could trash the admin.I would have liked to hear more from the other guy as he had 40 years experience with the IRS. Since Nixon the pres cannot contact the IRS has to go through the Sec of the treasury.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
IT happens in government and the private sector both.If the people in a area are thinking they are doing what their supposed to it will never go up the ladder..Had a guy on PBS who tried to explain that all the new requests coming from super pacs were supposed to be checked .They cut him short to go to politico rep so he could trash the admin.I would have liked to hear more from the other guy as he had 40 years experience with the IRS. Since Nixon the pres cannot contact the IRS has to go through the Sec of the treasury. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Teawipes and other like-minded geniuses, bought and paid for by the Cock Broz and Sheldon Abramson, never let minor inconveniences such as facts interfere with their tight little theories.