Death Panels? Texas Has Them.

BigLouie's Avatar
Remember when everyone was screaming about "death panels" in Obamacare, well the State of Texas has put in place their own version of "death panels."

Death Panel Bill SB 303, which allows hospitals to impose "do not attempt resuscitation" (DNAR) orders against patients without their consent and even without their knowledge, was rushed through the Texas Senate today despite opposition by the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons (AAPS) and by virtually every other leading pro-patient group. This bill transfers power from patients and their personal physicians to hospital administration, which can then impose DNAR orders without any legal accountability.

The Texas Hospital Association, which has opposed every bill supported by AAPS this session, pushed this death panel bill through the Texas Senate Wednesday.

It should be renamed the “Right for Hospitals to Deny Care Act,” or the “Legalizing Death Panels Act.” Texas attorney Jerri Lynn Ward, an award-winning expert in this field and AAPS member, calls this bill “HORRIBLE”. Jerri testified against it on Tuesday.

Beware of how “organized” medical societies have become pawns for the billion-dollar hospital industry, to the detriment of patients and the medical profession. Another state medical society recently refused to allow a good resolution by an AAPS member because it said a big hospital system would not like it.

Texas SB 303, being pushed by the TMA, would:

1. Grant hospitals the power to impose denial-of-care directives, such as “do not attempt resuscitation” (DNAR), against patients without their consent and without even giving them written notice. This bill shifts the burden to the patient or family member to find out if the hospital plans to deny care, and a verbal objection by the patient or family member is not sufficient. The patient or family member must object in writing, and even then a hospital death panel can reject the objection.

2. Grant hospitals the power to withhold medical records from patients for five (5) days as time-sensitive life-or-death decisions are being made.

3. Grant hospitals the right to deny the ability of independent patient advocates to speak on behalf of a patient and defend the patient’s interests, and instead limit patients to hospital-chosen patient advocates.

4. Grant hospitals the power to create their own death panels, stacked with their own employees, to make “ethics” decisions to deny care to patients.

5. Grant hospitals the power to transform physicians from being advocates of patient care into becoming adversaries of patients in implementing denial-of-care decisions based on hospital policies.

6. Limit patient options to a request for transfer of the patient to another hospital, at the patient’s own expense and without any guarantee that the other hospital would not also use this law against the patient. This ignores that tax-exempt hospitals have a duty to act in the best interests of patients rather than the self-enrichment of multi-million-dollar compensated hospital administrators.

7. Grant hospitals complete immunity from legal accountability for denying care under most circumstances.

Where's all those Republican's screaming about "death panels" now?
No good side to pick on this one...You either want a hospital, doctor or family member decide wether it is feasible to try and keep you alive or a federal beaurocrat under Obamacare. Under this law, the Hospital will have to inform you of their policy, if you don't like it, go somewhere else. It's not hard to figure out why they are doing it, they can't afford to keep the uninsured alive on their dime, it's tough, but simple to understand.
So you admit that Obamacare has "death panels". Liberals really don't care about life anyhow do they? Afterall, they are OK with killing unborn babies that have developed to such a stage that they could live on their own outside the womb.
So you admit that Obamacare has "death panels". Liberals really don't care about life anyhow do they? Afterall, they are OK with killing unborn babies that have developed to such a stage that they could live on their own outside the womb. Originally Posted by satexasguy

So you admit that Obamacare has "death panels". Liberals really don't care about life anyhow do they? Afterall, they are OK with killing unborn babies that have developed to such a stage that they could live on their own outside the womb. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Obamacare doesn't have death panels, they just decide wether or not you get life saving procedures paid for or not. Ohhh wait, that is a death panel, sorry.
  • 05-16-2013, 07:36 PM
Death Panels? Texas Has Them... are YOU THAT STUPID DXUGING TO CAUSE HEART ATTACK.... johnny after dxuging at essence coffee shop .... afterward johnny park at mc Donarld and a truck park accross the street on westheimer a middle age man ran across westheimer look into johnny suv to look ... why did you think essence coffee shop is shut down as well as Vietnamese Restaurant Thein An downtown Houston
When it's time it's time...fuckers
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Damn, seriously? That law is ridiculous.
BigLouie's Avatar
So you admit that Obamacare has "death panels". Liberals really don't care about life anyhow do they? Afterall, they are OK with killing unborn babies that have developed to such a stage that they could live on their own outside the womb. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Nope, I said that all the Republicans screaming that Obamacare had "death panels" are silent on this law which is basically the same thing. So I guess the Republicans are saying that if they come up with the idea of Death Panels it's o.k.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
May I say that Death Panels are wrong no matter which party supports them.
May I say that Death Panels are wrong no matter which party supports them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Only if you are going to pay all of the medical bills of the freeloaders and illegals.
I think there are AWESOME rules that should be applied to anyone who is not using his or her own money or insurance to pay for medial care.

But not to people like me who pay our own way. So there.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I think there are AWESOME rules that should be applied to anyone who is not using his or her own money or insurance to pay for medial care.

But not to people like me who pay our own way. So there. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Hmmmm, so when you run out of money you die? Cool...
Hmmmm, so when you run out of money you die? Cool... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
No. When you get terminally ill, you die.

You just don't get to bankrupt the rest of us in the process of trying to squeeze out an extra month or two..
Randy4Candy's Avatar
No. When you get terminally ill, you die.

You just don't get to bankrupt the rest of us in the process of trying to squeeze out an extra month or two.. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Convenient, huh?