Lets try something unusual.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Instead of the name calling, insults, and the inane butt wiggling buffoonery I am going to try reason and logic. Now some of you are already thinking of stupid stuff without reading the rest. That is on you and not me. I am going to try to show you how some of us think and let you be the judge.

Yesterday in the Rose Garden Obama gave a presser with the Turkish Prime Minister in the rain. Just before the rain began he took some questions.

Julianna Goldman of Bloomberg: Mr. President I want to ask you about the IRS, can you assure the American people that nobody in the White House knew about the agencies actions before your counsel's office found out on April 22nd and when they did find out do you think you should have learned about it before you learned about it from news reports as you said last Friday and, also, are you opposed to a special counsel being appointed to leading the Justice Department investigation...(continuing question for the Turkish Prime Minister)

President Barack Obama: With respect to the IRS, I spoke to this yesterday. My main concern is fixing a problem and we began that process yesterday by repla....asking and accepting the resignation of the acting director there. We will be putting in new leadership, that we will be able to followup on the IG audit, that we gather up all the facts, that we hold accountable those who have taken these outrageous actions...as I said last night, it is just simply unacceptable for there to be a hint of partisanship or ideology when it comes to the application of our tax laws. (asks for Marines to protect him from the rain) But, but, but let me make sure, sure that I answer a specific question...um....I can assure you that I certainly did not know anything about the IG report before the IG report had been leaked to the press....to the press. Typically the IG reports are not supposed to be distributed or shared...the process that everyone is trying to protect the integrity of...uh...um...what I am absolutely certain of...uh...the actions that were described in that IG report are unacceptable. So in addition to making sure that we have a new acting director there, we're also going to gather up the facts and hold accountable anyone responsible who was involved in this. We're gonna make sure that we identify any structural or management issues that will prevent something like this from happening again. We are going to make sure that we are accepting all the recommendations the IG has in the report and I'm lookin forward to workin with congress...uh...fully investigate what happened so that it doesn't happen again and also look at some of the laws that create a bunch of ambiguity that the IRS may not enough guidance and not be clear about they should be doin and doin it right so that the American people have confidence that the tax laws are being applied fairly and evenly...

Lets concentrate on only a couple of points; notice the questions that were asking by Ms. Goldman. Do you see an answer to those questions? No, there is not answer to those questions. Remember, this is one of the smartest men in the world, a Harvard Law graduate, a man with a team of brilliant advisors, and he know that a question like this would be asked. What do we get for a response...the closet thing to a response is that (I) did not know anything about the IG report... That was not the question. The question was did anyone in the WH know about what the IRS was doing before the IG report? How do you answer that if you are innocent and everyone around is innocent? You say that I know that no one in the WH was aware of what the IRS was doing. What if you don't know? Then you say that I do not know if anyone was aware but we are investigating. What if you are guilty? Then you try to change the question to something you can answer in the affirmative without actually lying.

There is so much more like the old rules were broken so what good are new rules. The old rules were pretty much working until 2010 what happened then. The guy that resigned had the job for six months, what about the woman who had the job for the three years prior to that?

These are not hard questions and the answer are not hard either...if you have nothing to hide. Just tell me how you would answer in the given circumstances.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
With a signature line like yours, it goes without saying that you are the one to champion "fair and balanced."
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How would you like to balance a cinder block on your nose? That would be fair.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Good analysis, JD, which is why the statists can't refute anything.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Instead of the name calling, insults, and the inane butt wiggling buffoonery I am going to try reason and logic. Now some of you are already thinking of stupid stuff without reading the rest. That is on you and not me. I am going to try to show you how some of us think and let you be the judge. You'll let me be the judge? After your first 2 sentences? Sorry Charley. 2 thumbs down for you.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your first sentence.
Instead of the name calling, insults, and the inane butt wiggling buffoonery I am going to try reason and logic.

Your second sentence.
Now some of you are already thinking of stupid stuff without reading the rest.

So your idea of reason and logic is to tell people to be nice and then in the next breath telling them they are thinking stupid thoughts if they take into consideration all of the "name calling, insults, and the inane butt wiggling buffoonery" you have posted before.
And you see no problem with this?

Thank you for a concrete example of the way your brain works.

Thank you for a reference point we can use over and over and over again.

It's great watching a player taking himself out of a game.

And while not ranking up there with the other train wreck that happened yesterday, this one is still metaphorically 2 trains colliding head-on on a bridge,

And while we have sympathy for the victims of the Connecticut train wreck, we have none for j douche-bag's train wreck.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Good analysis, JD, which is why the statists can't refute anything. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Good analysis?

The only part he actually wrote himself contradicts itself in the first 2 sentences. There is nothing to refute.

Thank you sog, for giving us yet another example of the way you perceive reason and logic.

The way your reason and logic rule in amerika.

Who would have believed it.

3 train wrecks in 1 day.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is a word for Munchie; sarcasm. You've embarassed yourself and don't even known it. I've done my part.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You ain't done shit, BSwine, except ask for pictures of my junk!
pyramider's Avatar
I win! I win!

I told the tards that this would not even make 10 posts before the bs started.
He was supposed to speak for everyone in the WH?
pyramider's Avatar
Somebody instructed the IRS to start scrutinizing.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Somebody instructed the IRS to start scrutinizing. Originally Posted by pyramider
Or maybe somebody in the IRS instructed their employees to start scrutnizing.

Or do you have evidence no one else does that proves the orders came from outside of the IRS?
Probably main stream Republicans started this as they are scared shitless of the tea bags.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, it's just BSwine trying to salvage whatever credibility he had left on this board.