Beretta USA has been headquartered in Maryland for many years. But Maryland’s left-wing governor, Martin O’Malley, has just signed legislation that, among other things, bans the possession or use of average-capacity magazines. Beretta naturally views this as an insult to its products, its customers and its employees, and is looking for a new home. I like Beretta’s statement on the issue:
The question now facing the Beretta Holding companies in Maryland is this: What effect will the passage of this law–and the efforts of Maryland government officials to support its passage–have on our willingness to remain in this State?

In that respect we are mindful of two objectives: We will not let passage of this legislation prevent us from providing on-time delivery of our products to our U.S. Armed Forces and other important customers. We also will not go forward in a way that compounds the insult made to our Maryland employees by their Governor and by the legislators who supported his efforts.

Prior to introduction of this legislation the three Beretta Holding companies located in Maryland were experiencing growth in revenues and jobs and had begun expansion plans in factory and other operations. The idea now of investing additional funds in Maryland, thus rewarding a Government that has insulted our customers and our products, is offensive to us so we will take steps to evaluate such investments in other States. At the same time, we will continue our current necessary operations within Maryland and we are thankful for and welcome the continued support of our employees as we do so.
Texas reportedly has been courting Beretta. Other states, too, would no doubt welcome the company’s high-quality jobs. Beretta might even consider Minnesota: our legislature, despite the fact that it is Democrat-controlled, squelched similarly mindless anti-gun legislation earlier this year. Minnesota is probably just about as liberal a state as Maryland; the difference is that we have a lot more hunters.

BY John Hinderaker at
Let the bastards freeze to death in the dark.
They would be smart to come to Texas. The economy here is unbelievable.
Not for long, we are trending blue (Democrat) ...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Not for long, we are trending blue (Democrat) ... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is more than an "insult". Berretta imports it's magazines. It is against the law to bring a high capacity magazine into Maryland even for a weapons company. So Berretta would have to give a voucher to buy the magazine from a source outside Maryland or send two shipments (with increased cost).

Pay attention! This kind of stuff is happening all around the country. Twisted little laws, banks refusing to do business with not just gun shops but gun makers, municipalites twisting the blade into the job creators who make guns. From top to bottom we need to clean house come November of next year. New city councils, new school boards, new mayors, new governors, state senators and state representatives, and always new people in the Washington. Maybe with new people we can get a few good years out of them and clean up the IRS, the EPA, and the State Department.
This is more than an "insult". Berretta imports it's magazines. It is against the law to bring a high capacity magazine into Maryland even for a weapons company. So Berretta would have to give a voucher to buy the magazine from a source outside Maryland or send two shipments (with increased cost).

Pay attention! This kind of stuff is happening all around the country. Twisted little laws, banks refusing to do business with not just gun shops but gun makers, municipalites twisting the blade into the job creators who make guns. From top to bottom we need to clean house come November of next year. New city councils, new school boards, new mayors, new governors, state senators and state representatives, and always new people in the Washington. Maybe with new people we can get a few good years out of them and clean up the IRS, the EPA, and the State Department. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Where you going to get all these NEW people? Immigrants?