NC Governor to spend $230000.00 on bathroom upgrades in his Guebernatorial mansion, but cut teachers benefits and school funds

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
This is the stuff that make you scratch your head. We are in the middle of a Government shutdown, and a lot of folks are on furlough, and not receiving pay, yet still forced to work, and this guy wants to spend major taxpayer money on bathroom upgrades??

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- Gov. Pat McCrory plans to spend up to $230,000 in taxpayer funds remodeling bathrooms in his private living quarters at North Carolina's Executive Mansion even as he demands belt-tightening for public schools and social programs.

Upgrades include new marble, tubs and fixtures for six bathrooms on the upper floors of the historic Victorian-era home in Raleigh. The changes were briefly noted five pages into a long list containing $90 million in repairs and renovations sent to legislative leaders last week by State Budget Director Art Pope.

Department of Administration spokesman Chris Mears says the bathrooms were last remodeled in the 1970s, though they're in working order.

North Carolina Democratic Party spokesman Ben Ray recounted that teachers received no raises this year and suggested the Republican governor's budgeting priorities are skewed.