American Heroes

TheDaliLama's Avatar
As this year ends I thought it would be fun to hear from our members just who their heroes are.

God knows that this country has been blessed with a plethora of brave and outstanding men and women.

It's a given that all our fighting men and women who serve to keep us all free will be at the top of all our lists.

But as we welcome them all back home let's hear your top 5.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
George Washington
Thomas Edison
Babe Ruth
Will Rogers
Neil Armstrong
Captain Sullenberger

I wish I said 10 heroes.
I B Hankering's Avatar
George Washington
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
William Clark
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  • 12-28-2013, 02:19 AM

Pat Tillman

that's about it, though there have been a bunch of people I have admired over the years. Hero is pretty strong word.
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
Audie Murphy
Neil Armstrong
George Foreman

Lemme throw in a sixth:
Italia DiBella
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  • 12-28-2013, 02:29 AM
Anybody read the obits?

There are a shit load of ''hero's'' that die every day.
Those I have known:

First Sergeant Henry
Captain Keith
Bill Yeoman
Guy V. Lewis

Those I would like to have known:

Uncle Bill (Mom's Brother who was killed in WW II)
Honest Abe
Colin Powell
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
Audie Murphy
Neil Armstrong
George Foreman

Lemme throw in a sixth:
Italia DiBella Originally Posted by gnadfly
George Foreman? Why? If you don't mind saying so.
George Washington
Thomas Edison
Babe Ruth
Will Rogers
Neil Armstrong
Captain Sullenberger

I wish I said 10 heroes. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Sullenberger. That dude has big brass balls. Staring almost certain death right in the face and calm, cool, collected and performing his job at it's highest level. Amazing stuff.
Abraham Lincoln: preserved the Union.

Muhammad Ali: a man not only of great physical courage but courage of his convictions as well. And, the greatest heavyweight boxer in history.

Dwight Eisenhower: soldier, statesman

Martin Luther King: has all those streets named after him.

Jerry "Maddog" Shriver: he knows why.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
All of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
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  • 12-28-2013, 09:04 AM
George Foreman? Why? If you don't mind saying so. Originally Posted by timpage
Gotta be the 'Grill' or maybe his five wives and ten kids!
BigLouie's Avatar
Frank Draper, Jr.

U.S. Army Technical Sergeant Frank Draper, Jr. and his fellow soldiers of Company A, 116th Infantry Regiment of the "blue and gray" 29th Division landed on the beaches of Normandy early on June 6, 1944 in the largest amphibious assault in the history of man. By the end of the day he was dead, killed in combat near the seaside caves of Vierville-sur-Mer, France. He was 26 years old.

His death devastated his family. His father, Frank P. Draper, Sr. of tiny Bedford, Virgina (pop. 3,400), built a large stone monument for the grave of his son Frank Jr. ("Juney") that alludes to the desolation of a broken heart: "We loved you Juney, dearly loved you, but God loved you best." Frank, Sr. was later to take his own life, and now lies buried next to the son he gave for the liberation of France. We can only speculate how much of the joy went out of Frank, Sr.'s life when he received the news that his son was dead on a beach half-a-world away. The violence itself is one thing, the living with the consequences and repercussions quite another.

The defeat of Nazi Germany by Allied military forces is one of the great achievements of modern times, in my opinion. An epic feat of planning, execution, and heroism, D-Day will be remember as long as men and women cherish the past.
But let us not forget in our adulation of great men such as Eisenhower, Churchill, Roosevelt, or MacArthur the contributions and sacrifices of those like Frank Draper, Jr. who is as great a hero of WWII as anyone, in my opinion. And when we think of the glory of our victory over Nazi Germany, let us not forget the broken life of Frank Draper, Sr. and thousands like him.
Gotta be the 'Grill' or maybe his five wives and ten kids! Originally Posted by WTF
I think he has done quite a bit of charity work in Gonad's neck of the woods.