Live PD

Did anyone else see the "wanted" segment about 2 girls impersonating call girls who roofied and robbed a prospective client?

Posting this for a couple of reasons:
1. As a warning to be careful
2. It is probably on live PD's website and someone might be able to help those crooks be caught.

Stay safe and enjoy hobbying.
  • Xman
  • 05-10-2020, 07:26 AM
I saw it as well. Thanks for posting.
Joddxxx's Avatar
There’s another discussion on this forum and another site showing pictures of the two girls. One had brunette hair and looked angry and the other had blonde hair that seemed uncomfortable and nervous.
Chung Tran's Avatar
call girls who roofied and robbed a prospective client? Originally Posted by Thabigbang
when I see this word used as a verb, and understand what it means, it tells me I have spent too much time on this Board