Our Dallas Fire Stations, their needs, and Christmas

LovingKayla's Avatar
I was doing a little research for my up coming project and I ran across the site for all our stations. http://dallasfirerescue.com/sta_list/citymap.html

If you click on each station you'll see the stuff they need. Some of these stations are falling apart at the seams. We are too used to "the city will pay for it." NO, it won't. These are our stations and they are in desperate need of repairs and common items that many of us could just give away. Go look and see some of the very basic things they need. (Some don't list any items needed and most of those stations are strategic and very well cared for by the city.)

Obviously we can't do this as a hobby project but each of you could definitely do SOMETHING for at least ONE. There are thousands of people out there in hobby land. Doing stuff for the kids is great. I do it every year, but firefighters are the ones that save the kids and they are doing without needlessly.

See you on the other side of the rainbow!
Wordsmith's Avatar
While I feel bad the Dallas Fire and Rescue Departments woes, I think that the people of Dallas and I assume Dallas County pay taxes to maintain the fire department. A lot of requests are for luxury items - recliners and such. At one of the stations one of its high priority items was a 60' TV. I'm sure a lot of people would like that.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
"Government is bad and can't do anything." Just go ahead and deal with how your glib, little bumpersticker philosophies interface with the real world and spare us this public hand wringing.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
"Government is bad and can't do anything." Just go ahead and deal with how your glib, little bumpersticker philosophies interface with the real world and spare us this public hand wringing. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
This is probably more blunt than I would have been, but it's exactly what I was thinking.
Seriously?! Furniture and tv's? Oh hell no!

I can barely afford to repair/replace the wheel they were so nice to ruin Friday night. One of their huge trucks crowded my car into a curb and kept going. It's disgusting how the city is immune to being held responsible for taking care of the damages & costs they incur.

If the city employees want such fancy stuff, they can get it themselves just like the rest of us do when we desire something.

As for the other things listed, I have no issues with donating necessary tangible items.

  • Sami
  • 12-19-2011, 08:51 PM
I understand the heart felt thought , I do!! But as news channels like to report they don't want anything from hooker boards. And waiting and willing to tear you apart for giving, with all there stipulation BS.

God forbid they find out we donated it!
LovingKayla's Avatar
Ahhhh delete is so nice.... And just so you know Mr Randy, I'll say what I damn well please, anytime I please. You are such a sad little king of a sad little hill. Spare me your public trashing of another member.

And miss shea, It's not the city's fault if you are incapable of filing the complaint. They pay these all the time (yes I know for a fact. People fuck up all the time.) Was the big number on the side of the big red truck to hard to read? Or do not actually know for sure it was a firetruck. The city IS liable and if they hit your car, the nice red paint it left is traceable back to the city) Give ME a break.

I'm willing to bet that none of you have ever even set foot inside a fire station. You have no idea how bad the chairs can be. Those want lists are sorta like provider gift lists. It's something we want or need and we throw it out there in case there's a kind heart that's just dying to fill that hole.

To answer all the PMs asking why I don't post here... here is a perfect example. Though I may come back just to piss off certain people. Ignore me or be ready to listen to me. Either way, I affect your life. Muuah!
I get the fact that we all pay taxes and that is what is supposed to supply the fire department with all thier needs. I get it. I really do. However, it is a fact of life that governments, particularly municipalities, are going broke and can no longer afford to supply thier workers with even the necessities to do thier job. Yes, a big screen tv or a recliner is usually not a necessity for any of us. But something to consider is that firefighters spend a third of thier life at the station. They do not put in thier eight hours and go home like most of us. Thier shift consists of 24 hrs on and 48 hrs off. The station is thier home for 24 hrs at a time.
You don't have to be on this site for long to realize that, as a rule, we are very anti-government. That sort of goes with the fact that we are all law breakers. Every one of us, no exceptions. Of course we are anti-establishment. There is hardly a month goes by that we are not ridiculing or saying that we hate cops or the laws that our government has enacted. But just consider that, with the exception of the military, police officers and firefighters have a more hazardous job than most of us could imagine. While we are running away from danger, we require them to run toward it. Be honest with yourself. How many of us have the intestinal fortitude to go in to a burning building to save someone, or to face down a man with a gun. We call them when something has turned to crap and we need help.
Currently there is a thread on this site right now criticizing cops for setting up on a local studio. Prostitution is illegal. The cops don't make the laws and the individual cops don't get to pick and choose thier assignments. They do as they are told, just like every one of us in our profession. Don't blame the cop. Go to your state representitive and have him change the damn law. No one likes to get a traffic ticket and it is human nature to bash the cops when we do. I don't know about you, but I don't want my wife and kids to have to drive the streets where there is no enforcement. Do you?
Yes, we all pay city, state, and federal taxes to take care of government employees. In a perfect world our taxes cover everything necessary. I am just asking you to consider the fact that governments are in trouble now and do not always have the funds to take care of the needs of thier employees. I don't think that Kayla was insisting that everyone pitch in the subsidize the fire department. I think that she was only trying to make you aware of the fact that there is a need out there to help your local firefighter, not the department. I think she was just saying donate if you want, not if you don't.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I get the fact that we all pay taxes and that is what is supposed to supply the fire department with all thier needs. I get it. I really do. However, it is a fact of life that governments, particularly municipalities, are going broke and can no longer afford to supply thier workers with even the necessities to do thier job. Yes, a big screen tv or a recliner is usually not a necessity for any of us. But something to consider is that firefighters spend a third of thier life at the station. They do not put in thier eight hours and go home like most of us. Thier shift consists of 24 hrs on and 48 hrs off. The station is thier home for 24 hrs at a time.
You don't have to be on this site for long to realize that, as a rule, we are very anti-government. That sort of goes with the fact that we are all law breakers. Every one of us, no exceptions. Of course we are anti-establishment. There is hardly a month goes by that we are not ridiculing or saying that we hate cops or the laws that our government has enacted. But just consider that, with the exception of the military, police officers and firefighters have a more hazardous job than most of us could imagine. While we are running away from danger, we require them to run toward it. Be honest with yourself. How many of us have the intestinal fortitude to go in to a burning building to save someone, or to face down a man with a gun. We call them when something has turned to crap and we need help.
Currently there is a thread on this site right now criticizing cops for setting up on a local studio. Prostitution is illegal. The cops don't make the laws and the individual cops don't get to pick and choose thier assignments. They do as they are told, just like every one of us in our profession. Don't blame the cop. Go to your state representitive and have him change the damn law. No one likes to get a traffic ticket and it is human nature to bash the cops when we do. I don't know about you, but I don't want my wife and kids to have to drive the streets where there is no enforcement. Do you?
Yes, we all pay city, state, and federal taxes to take care of government employees. In a perfect world our taxes cover everything necessary. I am just asking you to consider the fact that governments are in trouble now and do not always have the funds to take care of the needs of thier employees. I don't think that Kayla was insisting that everyone pitch in the subsidize the fire department. I think that she was only trying to make you aware of the fact that there is a need out there to help your local firefighter, not the department. I think she was just saying donate if you want, not if you don't. Originally Posted by wolfeman
I think you have something to say that's worth listening to but your posts hurt my eyes. Please learn how to use the enter/return button on your keyboard to create paragraph structure.


Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Ahhhh delete is so nice.... And just so you know Mr Randy, I'll say what I damn well please, anytime I please. You are such a sad little king of a sad little hill. Spare me your public trashing of another member.
Originally Posted by LovingKayla
LK, I guess you missed Randy4Candy's real point.

If you think that firemen are so hard done by, why do you support the people who want to cut their funding even more? The Republican/Tea Party campaigns you promote here are fighting to protect tax breaks for millionaires and military spending for oil companies and defense contractors... not funding for firemen.

You can't have it both ways.

And miss shea, It's not the city's fault if you are incapable of filing the complaint. They pay these all the time (yes I know for a fact. People fuck up all the time.) Was the big number on the side of the big red truck to hard to read? Or do not actually know for sure it was a firetruck. The city IS liable and if they hit your car, the nice red paint it left is traceable back to the city) Give ME a break.
Originally Posted by LovingKayla


My vision is just fine and I'm perfectly capable of turning in the reports without someone holding my hand. As an adult, I take full responsibility to handle my own issues. I didn't ask you to do it for me. The paperwork was filed within the week.

I realize the firefighters have wants and needs. There's a difference between those. Fancy furnishings though are something they'll have to figure out how to acquire in other ways. www.FreeCycle.org is a good option to consider.

Yes, I've been in plenty of fire stations. Correct, they're not luxurious. Thanks for assuming I've never participated in community programs. It's actually quite the opposite. There's been many events I've worked with over the years, including helping poor families, handicapped people and animal rescues.

Take all the breaks you need.

But just consider that, with the exception of the military, police officers and firefighters have a more hazardous job than most of us could imagine. While we are running away from danger, we require them to run toward it. Be honest with yourself. How many of us have the intestinal fortitude to go in to a burning building to save someone, or to face down a man with a gun. We call them when something has turned to crap and we need help. Originally Posted by wolfeman

Yes, I have run into a burning apartment building to save a father and his little boys. Thankfully they managed to get out but lost everything they had. The firemen arrived at the property within moments after my frantic call to 911.

Yes, I've had to face a few armed situations. Very unnerving but they were handled with the help of the police. The call was made as soon as it was evident there was serious trouble.

These events happened several years ago when I still owned my half of a security company through a previous relationship.

I have immense respect for our troops, police, firefighters, doctors & nurses and many others. There's lots of shoes to fill but not enough qualified people to do it.

I think that she was only trying to make you aware of the fact that there is a need out there to help your local firefighter, not the department. I think she was just saying donate if you want, not if you don't. Originally Posted by wolfeman

I'm sure that was understood. Her heart is in the right places and she should be commended for making us aware of the efforts to help the communities.

It was the overall response that didn't sit well.

Lust4life, I agree with you on my post. When I wrote my post, it had indentions and paragraphs. When I hit enter, they all went away for some reason. So yes, I need to find out what I am doing wrong.
LovingKayla....thank you for your post. I am a Dallas Firefighter and it makes me feel good when someone understands the needs of the firefighters. You are right when you wrote the items on the list are just a "want" list. We dont NEED luxurious items but if someone is generous enough to supply us with such items that is great. This place is our home for 1/3 or more of our lives. If you would ever like to come to a station and look at our living conditions please email me.

For those of you talking trash.........STOP......you put yourself in harms way everyday you go to work and then and maybe then you can talk.

You are right when you wrote the items on the list are just a "want" list. We dont NEED luxurious items but if someone is generous enough to supply us with such items that is great. Originally Posted by dmaupp
That's why I supplied the link & will again: www.FreeCycle.org.

Plenty of other sites can help too if you'll search a little bit.

For those of you talking trash.........STOP......you put yourself in harms way everyday you go to work and then and maybe then you can talk. Originally Posted by dmaupp
No one is talking "trash", so you can rest at peace knowing that people do care but we don't want to be taken advantage of either.

LovingKayla's Avatar
Shea you got a little sand in your vagina there. Might want to see that. I hear it can make a person quite irritating. I mean irritable. My bad.

I've gotten in a habit of not revisiting threads I've already posted on mostly because I have a pretty demanding life all of a sudden but something made me come back today. I was thinking about all the people out there that have no idea what "recliner" means to a fire house. We aren't talking lazyboys here. The recliner is a chair that back washed from the 70's. It's got metal arm rests (if it has arm rests) and the back of the chair reclines about 30 degrees.

Now, when a firefighter can't sleep in the barracks because of someone's god awful snoring, they are forced to go sleep in the "recliners". I don't know about you guys but I want my firefighter as comfortable and rested as possible before the 2 am bell hits.

What makes me an expert? 34 years as a firefighter brat and 4 in the Coast Guard. Wanna go head to head with stories there Shea girl?