New Star Wars Trailer

Milk-Man-Dan's Avatar
Tatonka's Avatar
Looks a lot better than those 3 pre-quals they put out years ago.

I will go see it when it comes out.
Milk-Man-Dan's Avatar
I still have fond memories of seeing the original three in the theater as a kid, but not much good has been put out under the Star Wars brand since then. This trailer has me interested, but the first one they put out with the floating droid head on a rolling ball still has me concerned. I'll end up seeing it sooner or later, but I'm not sure if it'll be a theater viewing or Netflix rental yet.
The rolling ball droid is a real droid - not CGI. Nothing to be concerned about.

Based on what I saw JJ do with the Star Trek reboot (I thought both movies were fantastic) - and especially after this new trailer - I have "a new hope"....especially now that Lucas is gone.