Seasonal Allergies

Milk-Man-Dan's Avatar
Am I the only one getting hammered by seasonal allergies this year? I've always had them, but I can't seem to remember it ever being this bad.
Am I the only one getting hammered by seasonal allergies this year? I've always had them, but I can't seem to remember it ever being this bad. Originally Posted by Milk-Man-Dan

How long have you been in Austin? They say at right about the four year mark is where it really kicks in for many newcomers.
Milk-Man-Dan's Avatar
I've been here a lot longer than four years. Seasonal allergies are something I've had as far back as I can remember, but they seem worse this year. I was wondering if any of the other Austin, allergy sufferers are getting hit hard by them as well, but I know what you mean about the time issue for some people.

I've had a few friends move here, and excitedly tell me they don't seem to be suffering from spring allergies anymore since moving here, and my response is always, "Just wait." About four or five years later they get to experience their first cedar season, and I can't help but feel for them.
redbeard42's Avatar
Environmental mold started really kicking my butt in Nov. but I picked up a few Heppa air purifiers and haven't had a single allergy problem since.

I think keeping the air allergen free at home makes a huge difference no matter what is going on outside. By the time you start to feel it out and about you're about ready to head home anyway.

I know cedar has been kicking a lot of my friend's butts this season.
Milk-Man-Dan's Avatar
I thought about trying a Hepa, but the dogs track in so much pollen from outside that any attempt to nullify it inside is just a frustrating exercise in futility. People always say just keep them clean, but it's basically impossible (As well as cruel from their standpoint) to bath them daily.

The Netti pot and eye drops help somewhat.
You should try "Easy Breather" by Herbalogic. I use the drops for instant relief.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have battled allergies for over 10 years..It does not matter what I use,they never go away....I just have learned to "live with them" and adjust to them....I alternate different type allergy pills monthly and that helps a little.

Hope you have lots of sunny allergy free days babe!
FoulRon's Avatar
News yesterday said the mold count was in something like the low 6 digits.

Around here, the rain is a double-edged sword.
30seconds's Avatar
Mold has been brutal.
Runnerlink's Avatar
Currently in a Benadryl haze and desperately trying not to fall asleep.
endurance's Avatar
Live oak is killing me this year for the first time - 3 year newb here
Squarenot's Avatar
You should try "Easy Breather" by Herbalogic. I use the drops for instant relief. Originally Posted by Aztexan
I have used Allergena, (Zone 5) for the past 5-6 years and it works well for me - so far. You can get it at Whole Foods.
alpo1's Avatar
  • alpo1
  • 04-26-2015, 08:36 PM
All allergies are caused by yeast,mold and fungus - see the mayo clinic study on allergies from 1999. If you eliminate the yeast from your gut and system, you will be able to sit in a cedar tree eating spoonfuls of gluten with no problems. If you need help contact me it's my specialty for 25 years. People get allergies here after 4 years due to constant inhalation of fungus from our humid dank environment.