bb I like you but you don't know your stuff. You always send links from Red State and all these right wing lunatic sources. Hey we all have our own opinions but your sources aren't credible. Cant you see what Mueller is doing? He is teeing up Trump and about to drive his ass to the ground. Its sad that you are going to have to go through that emotional trauma. I know the Trump people in general are weak and thin skinned. Hopefully your not. Its going to be tough watching him go down. The fall has started since Nancy came to town
Originally Posted by themystic
Your reading comp isn't too good either, I provided a favorite website of yours(HUFF PUFF) which says THE SAME FUCKING THING...AGAIN...put you BRAIN in gear before you put your MOUTH in gear!!
You talk about credible sources...BUZZFUCK...yeah right!!
Muelhead has been TRYING is drive his head in the ground...HOW FUCK LONG??
Get back to us when you have something of substance...BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE A FIRST!!