If Anybody Cares, 8 Murdered, 43 Wounded This Past Week End In Chicago

And, by all accounts, nobody really does give a shit.


Black Lives Matter.
bambino's Avatar
Soros, Obama, Clinton, BLM don't give a fuck.
And, by all accounts, nobody really does give a shit.


Black Lives Matter. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's life in the big city.

I do not care unless it is a white cop shooting a black dude with a weapon. Cus den i gets free stuffs in shit.

And, by all accounts, nobody really does give a shit.


Black Lives Matter. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And, by all accounts, nobody really does give a shit.


Black Lives Matter. Originally Posted by Jackie S
What the hell does this have to do with Black Lives Matter? If those scum are caught they will get sentenced and go to prison. Black lives matter chief complaint was people who commit murder and apparently get a slap on the wrist i.e- the police.
If you are trying to insuiate that Blacks have a problem killing other Blacks, go look at the figures: If you are White you have an 85 chance of getting killed by another white, if you are Latino you have a 93 percent chance of getting killed by another latino, most Italians I know who were murdered it was by the hands of another Italian, but have you ever heard of Latino on Latino crime? White on White crime? Italian on Italian crime? Probably not- who the hell cares about the crime rate in the shithole called Chicago. Whites overwhelmingly commit the most rapes and sexual predator crimes. Whites have by far the highest suite rate and **forbidden substance** rate. Why is such a privilege race killing themselves at a rate far higher than other minorities?
bambino's Avatar
What the hell does this have to do with Black Lives Matter? If those scum are caught they will get sentenced and go to prison. Black lives matter chief complaint was people who commit murder and apparently get a slap on the wrist i.e- the police.
If you are trying to insuiate that Blacks have a problem killing other Blacks, go look at the figures: If you are White you have an 85 chance of getting killed by another white, if you are Latino you have a 93 percent chance of getting killed by another latino, most Italians I know who were murdered it was by the hands of another Italian, but have you ever heard of Latino on Latino crime? White on White crime? Italian on Italian crime? Probably not- who the hell cares about the crime rate in the shithole called Chicago. Whites overwhelmingly commit the most rapes and sexual predator crimes. Whites have by far the highest suite rate and **forbidden substance** rate. Why is such a privilege race killing themselves at a rate far higher than other minorities? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Who cares about the crime rate in the shit hole of Chicago? I'm sure a lot of people do. Especially the families That have lost innocent loved ones because of the carnage. But you're a dumb fuck. What's the use in talking to you.
  • DSK
  • 09-28-2016, 12:50 PM
What the hell does this have to do with Black Lives Matter? If those scum are caught they will get sentenced and go to prison. Black lives matter chief complaint was people who commit murder and apparently get a slap on the wrist i.e- the police.
If you are trying to insuiate that Blacks have a problem killing other Blacks, go look at the figures: If you are White you have an 85 chance of getting killed by another white, if you are Latino you have a 93 percent chance of getting killed by another latino, most Italians I know who were murdered it was by the hands of another Italian, but have you ever heard of Latino on Latino crime? White on White crime? Italian on Italian crime? Probably not- who the hell cares about the crime rate in the shithole called Chicago. Whites overwhelmingly commit the most rapes and sexual predator crimes. Whites have by far the highest suite rate and **forbidden substance** rate. Why is such a privilege race killing themselves at a rate far higher than other minorities? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Actually, Italians kill other Italians all the time in New York - and they are smart enough to leave other civilians out of it.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Why is such a privilege race killing themselves at a rate far higher than other minorities? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

^ Here's the answer right here this is their problem:

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Why is such a privilege race killing themselves at a rate far higher than other minorities? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

^ Here's the answer right here this is their problem:

Who cares about the crime rate in the shit hole of Chicago? I'm sure a lot of people do. Especially the families That have lost innocent loved ones because of the carnage. But you're a dumb fuck. What's the use in talking to you. Originally Posted by bambino
Most of those crimes in Chicago are not innocent bystanders you fucking prick. Yes there are times when a bullet goes stray, but for the most part it's gang bangers killing other gang bangers or drug dealers killing other drug dealers. Read the news Bimbo these are not "good people" Chicago for the most part is gang and drug infested and sorry if you are dumb enough to join a gain or deal drugs- 2 places you are going to land- prison or the grave. Stop acting like the majority of the murders are innocent bystanders.
I guess you think in Mexico when the Cartels kill people that everyone involved is innocent? Most times the people they have killed or some how connected to the drug trade. Same thing with the Mafia.
Actually, Italians kill other Italians all the time in New York - and they are smart enough to leave other civilians out of it. Originally Posted by DSK
You are correct, but have you ever heard the media say- oh look at the Italian on Italian problem- it's a big problem? No, but you are quick to hear them yell out Black on Black crime, when in reality -no matter the race, you are more than likely to be murdered by your own kind. If you were to pull the data of how many Blacks kill other races is considerably lower than the rate they kill their own kind. The same can be said about whites who kill outside their race versus killing their own. Every race kills their own race than another.
The whole Black Lives Matter acknowledges blacks kill other blacks just like any other race, but when those Black killers get caught they are given lengthy prison terms, but apparently when they are killed by Whites or Police it appears their lives don't matter and they at times get away scott free even thought there was overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
bambino's Avatar
You are correct, but have you ever heard the media say- oh look at the Italian on Italian problem- it's a big problem? No, but you are quick to hear them yell out Black on Black crime, when in reality -no matter the race, you are more than likely to be murdered by your own kind. If you were to pull the data of how many Blacks kill other races is considerably lower than the rate they kill their own kind. The same can be said about whites who kill outside their race versus killing their own. Every race kills their own race than another.
The whole Black Lives Matter acknowledges blacks kill other blacks just like any other race, but when those Black killers get caught they are given lengthy prison terms, but apparently when they are killed by Whites or Police it appears their lives don't matter and they at times get away scott free even thought there was overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
In whites committed 3000 murders in the US, blacks, 2500. Whites are 64% of the population, blacks, 12%. So dumbass, don't you think violent crime is a bigger problem in black communities than white communities? Do the math assclown.

In whites committed 3000 murders in the US, blacks, 2500. Whites are 64% of the population, blacks, 12%. So dumbass, don't you think violent crime is a bigger problem in black communities than white communities? Do the math assclown.

https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s...ender_2013.xls Originally Posted by bambino
You do the numbers- take the blacks out of the equation are you saying if tomorrow Blacks just disappeared from the country that the U.S wouldn't be a violent country? Take the 12 percent out and actually the percentage of whites who commit murder would go up, Whites commit a helluva lot of crime in this country with or without the Black statistics.
Also, if you think there's no correlation between poverty and crime you are a dumb ass.

Bambino I will even raise you one better and I will quote from another hobbyist who posted something similar on one of the ECCIE boards- go to any major city that has a lot of activity on the hooker boards- the majority of alerts whether it's Johns running off with the money, failing to pay, or being aggressive with the hooker- nearly 90 percent of them the perpetrator is a white male- that's factual. Speak to any hooker and she will more than likely tell you her average client is over 50 and white. Blacks make up about 5 percent of the Johns, yet even though the "White" members by far have the most alerts- have you ever seen a NWA policy(No Whites Allowed), you sure as hell have seen plenty of NBA(No Blacks Allowed) policy and heck I do feel bad for the good black Johns on this site, but if you don't think there's some sort of racist element that majority of Alerts have been perputated by White clients and Blacks may represent 5 percent of total clients and that 5 percent is being generous, yet they are labeled as if they are the main bad group on the hooker site. Racism is alive and well my friend.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Black Lives Matter. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Not to you.
bambino's Avatar
You do the numbers- take the blacks out of the equation are you saying if tomorrow Blacks just disappeared from the country that the U.S wouldn't be a violent country? Take the 12 percent out and actually the percentage of whites who commit murder would go up, Whites commit a helluva lot of crime in this country with or without the Black statistics.
Also, if you think there's no correlation between poverty and crime you are a dumb ass.

Bambino I will even raise you one better and I will quote from another hobbyist who posted something similar on one of the ECCIE boards- go to any major city that has a lot of activity on the hooker boards- the majority of alerts whether it's Johns running off with the money, failing to pay, or being aggressive with the hooker- nearly 90 percent of them the perpetrator is a white male- that's factual. Speak to any hooker and she will more than likely tell you her average client is over 50 and white. Blacks make up about 5 percent of the Johns, yet even though the "White" members by far have the most alerts- have you ever seen a NWA policy(No Whites Allowed), you sure as hell have seen plenty of NBA(No Blacks Allowed) policy and heck I do feel bad for the good black Johns on this site, but if you don't think there's some sort of racist element that majority of Alerts have been perputated by White clients and Blacks may represent 5 percent of total clients and that 5 percent is being generous, yet they are labeled as if they are the main bad group on the hooker site. Racism is alive and well my friend. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
What a bunch of jibberish. The ratio of black on black crime is high you imbecile. If you don't think inner city violent crime isnt a problem there's no hope for you. None.