An article worth pondering.....

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-18-2016, 05:04 PM
Though I am quite confident not everyone here will walk away with the same conclusions.

Lot's to discuss, especially what is the right balance between security and privacy. It is not an easy answer (at least to most people).
Though I am quite confident not everyone here will walk away with the same conclusions.

Lot's to discuss, especially what is the right balance between security and privacy. It is not an easy answer (at least to most people).
Originally Posted by Old-T
We as Americans have always been fortunate in that we have two massive Oceans protecting us from many of the evils that permiate other parts of the world which are in close proximity to a special type of Religious Fanatasism..

But it seems that many in our Government are hell bent on negating these natural barriers by any means possible.

Once again, it's that unique combination of Naiveté and Stupidity at work when dealing with the evils of the World.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
here's my reply to your post .. the gist of it as i see it ....

“It shows there is so much fear and anxiety about terrorism and the reach of terrorism groups, people are willing to try just about anything, even give up constitutional protections on free speech, and identity cards, though it’s not even clear what that would do,” said Shannon Green, head of the CSIS Commission on Countering Violent Extremism.

Only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It is never necessary to give up freedom for security. - Ron Paul

Liberty is sacred. If we trade it in for some phony security, then we become like those we need to protect ourselves from.
It is never necessary to give up freedom for security. - Ron Paul

Liberty is sacred. If we trade it in for some phony security, then we become like those we need to protect ourselves from. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
This is one more reason why the Founding Fathers gave is a Democratic Republic, with a Constitution that includes a Bill of Rights, that were delibertly made extremely difficult to change.

This protects the basic tenants from the petty whims of the moment, and from the Demagogue.