Whats the longest affair youve had?

rainbow6's Avatar
Mines going on 6 months, which seems like forever. Surely there's folks out there with much longer ones. Howd it end?
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
5 years. I ended it because I'd outgrown him and became bored with the situation. Oh, and he mentioned wanting to leave his wife so that we could be an item... That was not part of the arrangement, I ran as fast as I could....
Seeskylar's Avatar
Mine I would say last a year but I wasn't ready to settle down cause of my situation in my life. But you know once a trick always a trick he met me doing this and swore that he would never fuck around, which was all a lie. I should of never got involved emotional with this dude cause everything that came out his mouth was a lie. someone that was selfish or a trick. If you know best never date a client or let him try to pull that he wants more from you or that I am starting to have feelings for you. ITS ALL GAMES They just want pussy on the house cause they are cheap and can't understand that THE WAY YOU AND HIM MET IS HOURLY OR WAS AN ARRANGEMENT FOR THE JUMP. But for the most part he took me for a ride emotional that I wasnt ready for. Now why I cut of any kind of feeling for dudes.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
8 years, she was 42 and I was 58

her daughter said I was to old for her, she did not like her picture being taken

Mine was 4 and a half years. Did not she had a boyfriend and a husband on the side. New something was up because very rarely was I ever invited to her place. the invites to her place got fewer and fewer then called her one day to meet and low and be hold that's when her husband and boyfriend found out about each other. Then she wanted to leave with me said your on your own to clean up mess with those two.
Guest010619's Avatar
Twenty-three years.
Ended with her passing.
Car accident.