Spider Man Of Austin is A Weirdo **** ******

So I had an appointment at 11pm on 6/9/16 with Spider Man.
We scheduled the appointment around 9pm. First off the guy was 45mins late & when he finally got here he went straight into my bathroom! I could hear him inside *******, so when he comes out there are bloody tissues all in my bathtub! He storms out of my room & runs down the hall, without no explanation at all.. He is a scammer & ******! So please don't waste your time with him. His name once again is Spider man & he visits Houston & Austin.. Stay safe ladies.

Staff edit, Spice-It is not permitted to discuss, mention, or speculate about illicit drug use on ECCIE forums. This includes terms and vernacular used to imply illicit drug use as well.

Eccie Forum Guidelines
#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Nothing here that specifically presents a threat to the membership. More of an FYI.

Coed or ladies area would be better for this. Moved to coed.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-10-2016, 08:26 AM
Spiderman, spiderman is he strong? Listen Bud, hes got radioactive blood. To him life is a great big bang up. Whenever theres a hangup, you'll find the Spiderman

Lyrics from the Spiderman theme song.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Actually, that whole town is filled with weirdo's.



I could hear him____ in the bathroom and when he comes out there are bloody tissues in my bathtub. How many different ways to fill in that blank!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 06-11-2016, 08:16 PM
Lets fill in the blank!

Spider man's Avatar
So I come in and yes I was late but not 45 minutes late, more like 30. Omw there I explained to her my car broke down and that I couldn't make it. So then she insists that I find a way to make it to the appointment because blah blah blah the same line that every low quality provider drops "omg you wasted my time I missed like 10 appointments because of this" I mean if she was like a complete dime piece bitching like that I could maybe understand btw ALOT less quality looking in person her show case honestly doesn't look like her. She was more like the backpage type not really what you expect to see from a eccie. (Rundburg shitty 2 or 3 star motel). So even with all this crap being said I mange to borrow my buddys car. I make it to the appointment to hear her bitching like a backpage quality provider about her absolutely worthless time. After I freshen up for about 5 minutes in the bathroom come out and I'm ready to start she's still bitching about her time that she so called "waisted". When before I came over she said she was super slow and had nothing going on anyways AND to take my time. So I explaine to her once again that my car broke down and that this could have happened to anyone. She still has no remorse and continues to act like her life is over cause I came late to her on a night that she told me not to worry or rush about because she had nothing going on. SO THEN she has the nerve to tell me she's going to offer me a 20 minute appointment for the FULL hour price of 300 and to set down the donation. By now I'm like completely disgusted with this bitch 1 cause she's not that hot AT ALL seriously 60 dollar quicky quality type backpage girl. 2 because she probably wouldn't be offering GFE anymore even at that rate, according to her last 4 reviews which I realized omw over. So I'm like "fuck you and your time that's worth pennies I'm out". She then goes all ghetto bitch on me and says "hold up hold up I'm gonna whoop you're ass" I look back at her and say "shuuut up". Walk out the door, see some black dude hop out of god knows where (complete backpage type style experience) I just keep walking NOT running going about my business and am happy that I didn't waste my money on such a low quality provider. Instead I can fix my car with that money now. DO NOT see this provider horrible hobby experience guaranteed
There are always 2 sides to a story..
I would love to go back & forth with a complete Low Life! But my time is a lot more valuable, so I'll be short. You just pulled all of those b.s. lies right out of your mother's ass! My clients know how I conduct my business so try again asshole. Do everyone a favor & please jump off a bridge.. Or check yourself into a rehab. Lmao **drops mic & walks off
Spider man's Avatar
Check yourself into jail theres probably a warrant out for your ghetto lookin ass right now lol
There are always 2 sides to a story.. Originally Posted by aliyahrose
Naw, you forgot....there's 3. He said/She said and then there's the truth lol
Is there going to be a review?
mrredcat43's Avatar
When I was a kid, I really liked Spider-Man that was on TV in the 1970's

FloridaShark's Avatar
I wish every thread in co-ed was like this.