MAJORITY in 3 key swing states say they're embarrassed by Twitler

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Speaking of polls... seems there was quite a bit of that over the weekend.

Well, this one spells it out.

Come on ... tell us how everyone's out to get Twitler. It's the media's fault. Hillary's.

Nope. Twitler's world-class assholiness is directly responsible for the fact that most American's would rather have a boil on their thigh than Twitler as president. (Actually, they should have tested that one, too.),

Please note that these polls were taken before Twitler's massive meltdown last Tuesday.

Polls: Majority in 3 key states 'embarrassed' by Trump

By Eli Watkins, CNN
Updated 10:23 PM ET, Sun August 20, 2017

Washington (CNN)A suite of new NBC News/Marist polls has found that majorities in three key states that helped tip the election for President Donald Trump now say they feel "embarrassed" by his conduct in office.

The polls released Sunday show that nearly two-thirds of registered voters in Pennsylvania (63%), Wisconsin and Michigan (both 64%) said they are embarrassed by Trump's conduct as President, while only about a quarter of registered voters in those states said they are "proud" of it.

Trump's approval ratings in those states are slightly better but still show that most disapprove of his performance.

In Michigan, 36% of registered voters said they approve of Trump's job performance and 55% disapprove, while in Pennsylvania 35% approve and 54% disapprove, and in Wisconsin 34% approve and 56% disapprove.

Trump did better among respondents on the economy. Forty-two percent of registered voters in Michigan said Trump's decisions have strengthened the economy, while 39% said he has weakened it. In Pennsylvania, 45% said he has strengthened the economy compared to 38% who said he's weakened it, and in Wisconsin, voters split 41% each way.

The polls also measured whether respondents see former President Barack Obama and independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders favorably or unfavorably. In all three states, the percentages of registered voters who have a favorable impression of Obama was in the low 60s, with those who view him unfavorably in the low- to mid-30s. For Sanders, the percentages of those who see him favorably ranged from the low to high 50s, while those who see him unfavorably hovered in the low to mid-30s.

The polls also found that 48% of voters in Michigan would prefer to see Democrats win majorities in Congress in next year's election, while 35% would rather Republicans stay in control.

In Pennsylvania, 47% would like to see Democrats win majorities, versus 37% who prefer the GOP retain control, while in Wisconsin, the margin is slightly narrower, with 46 percent wanting to see Democrats win compared to 38% who prefer the GOP.

Trump's stunning victories in all three states, which Obama carried in 2008 and 2012, helped vault him to an electoral win over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton last year.

The polls were taken from August 13-17, after Trump's initial response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. The polls surveyed 795 voters in Michigan, 773 in Pennsylvania and 801 in Wisconsin and have a margin of error of ±3.5 percentage points.
goodman0422's Avatar
These polls are brought to us by the same assholes who said Hillary would win in a landslide.
LexusLover's Avatar
These polls are brought to us by the same assholes who said Hillary would win in a landslide. Originally Posted by goodman0422
But they claim the Russians caused that result!

AssUp is trying for a "do over"!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Vanity: 108% of Eligible Voters Voted in California's 2016 Presidential Election
Vanity / Various

Yssup Rider's Avatar
So let's see, besides the inevitable squeals of "fake news," we have discussion that HRC cheated in California. Or something like that. Can't really respond to the collection of bullshit cobbled together in SLOBBRIN's ADD post because it doesn't make much sens.

But NOTHING Responding to the findings of this poll. We had a thread yesterday claiming that more than 60% of American registered voters want to keep the Confederate statues, though nobody could qualify that data. In fact, the poster who pushed that bullshit lied about the findings.

But polls don't matter!

That's a big fucking surprise.

Yssup Rider's Avatar

AssUp is trying for a "do over"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
That's a fucking lie.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's almost time for AssUp to watch the eclipse.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's almost time for AssUp to watch the eclipse. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you coming out of the closet for it, LLephantMan?

LexusLover's Avatar
AssUp is still clinging to last year's polls and pollsters!

Who gives a fuck how a "polled" majority responds to questions, or how the person asking the question reports their answer in 2017?

Is AssUp so stupid he thinks pro-Trumpers really give a shit about it?
Hey Shit Eater of the Klantifa, time to wake up sunshine!...
August 20, 2017

Donald Trump is winning...bigly

By R. Stephen Bowden

If you get your political updates through ordinary channels – MSM; local news; the major newspapers; and popular website newsies such as Yahoo, Facebook, and more recently Drudge – you most likely feel that America is imploding, all due to the chaos of the Trump administration.

The goal is to wear you down, if not wear you out, until you agree that Trump must go.

The stakes rise with each new Trump achievement, commensurate with the rising decibel level of those who express outrage at whatever he says. That's what happens when your cherished assumptions are disproven day after day. It's comical and also understandable. No one likes to admit that he is wrong. Or that they are wrong on a regular basis. It's embarrassing and humiliating – especially if you are touted as an expert journalist or commentator, at least by virtue of being on TV.

That's why you hear little or nothing about:

*the current NAFTA negotiations
*Kim Jong-un blinking
*China threatening a trade war and then blinking
*the U.S. becoming a net energy exporter
*our diminishing trade imbalance
*the amazing rise to nearly 4% GDP growth in the 2017 third quarter
*forecasters suggesting that GDP could grow to 5 or 6% annualized
*a rise in manufacturing investments in the U.S.
*more full-time jobs among the middle class
*the Syrian crisis
*the continuing fall of ISIS in the Middle East
*Wall Street's record highs as they turn to embrace Main Street
*the public's opposition to the destruction of historic statues and memorials
*an abhorrence of radical and violent activists on all sides, most all of whom abide on the left fringe
*Russian collusion
*the Awan brothers
*Debbie Wasserman Schultz
*Hillary and the Clinton Foundation entities
*the wall
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Trump is winning – BIGLY. It's almost too easy. He's focused on results, period. The rest is just distraction, much of it orchestrated by anti-Trumpers who insist that you really can get a different result if you repeat the same experiment enough times. They still don't get it because they don't want to get it. They have dug in their heels. That's why I find it funny. Trump is playing them every step of the way.

The people who get it are the American workers – the ones who watch Dirty Jobs, follow Mike Rowe on Facebook, and are happy to find an extra two hundred dollars at the end of the month. Soon enough, others will, too. It just takes time. Trump is making it happen before our very eyes.
LexusLover's Avatar
The "plan" is based upon one flawed premise ....

.... that most of the U.S. really gives a shit what they think.

They are the only ones who care what they think. A small minority.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Assup you lose again hahahahahahah
lustylad's Avatar
We had a thread yesterday claiming that more than 60% of American registered voters want to keep the Confederate statues, though nobody could qualify that data. In fact, the poster who pushed that bullshit lied about the findings. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Quit spewing your pigshit, swineboy. Multiple posters cited that poll. Nobody lied about it. It is what it is. You don't know enough about methodology or statistics to question the results. So you claim the messenger is lying. You're just a worthless, thoroughly dishonest PIG!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
These polls are brought to us by the same assholes who said Hillary would win in a landslide. Originally Posted by goodman0422
Very true.