ISO of a Dungeon/Lifestyle Club in Houston

Several years ago before I moved away from the Houston area, I attended a D/s Lifestyle club close to downtown. It was just off 59 and Leeland (I believe).

Does anyone know where I'm talking about and if the place is still open? I would really like to get the infomation that I've seem to lost memory of.

If this is location no longer exist, do you know of any other Dungeons in the area that are open and accepting new members?

As far as I know, Houston doesn't have any public dungeons. There are few private ones that have parties and such. I believe Mistress Precious opens her private dungeon to parties.

check out this link for groups in the area-

Thank you Sir for that link. I will check into some of these places.

sorry for being off topic but i love that avatar starr
Well thank you oen....
Try the Houston chapter of ClubFem. It usually has public munches and private parties once a month.
houston_switch's Avatar
There used to be a "third Friday" gathering...
Subcillia might also know places as she has a date for this type of play...
AidanRedd's Avatar
From what I understand, Houston's Temple of Flesh crew, does a private nightly at a place somewhere in Houston. I'm sure you could get on the list and they would love to have you.

I could probably find the main guy and get you on the list since your a professional female.

Let me know if your interested.

FYI Temple of Flesh is who hosts the big Fetish Balls in San Antonio, but they are based in Houston.
drgris's Avatar
Note to myself..get in touch with Starr!