Chicago: Most Segregated City in the USA

So I guess even Libtard Blacks and Whites do NOT want to live and work together in Harmony, Peace, Love... no Kumbaya in Chi-town... While I am not surprised I am surprised.... Must be George Bush's fault!! or Southern Whites?? White Privilege??

The lives of black and white Chicago residents could hardly be more different.
The Windy City, which is currently contending with a series of police shootings of black Chicagoans, is the most segregated major metro area in the nation. And it's been in the top 3 in terms of segregation for many years, according to the Voorhees Center for Neighborhood and Community Improvement at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

In Chicago, blacks and whites live clustered in separate parts of the city. In fact, some 72% of black or white residents would have to move to a different census tract to even out the numbers, according to a commonly used segregation measure called the index of dissimilarity. In New York, the figure is 65% and in Philadelphia, it's 63%.
"Even in a country marked by high levels of segregation, Chicago stands out," said Richard Reeves, a senior fellow at Brookings who recently co-authored a blog post on inequality in Chicago.

Over the past 40 years, there's been a marked increase in the number of very wealthy and very poor Chicagoans, said Janet Smith, co-director of the Voorhees Center. The middle class, meanwhile, has moved to the suburbs.
Young, white, highly educated professionals are moving to Chicago's North Side along Lake Michigan and neighborhoods west of the downtown, while very low-income areas in the city's South and far West sides are also expanding.
"In 1970, Chicago had a lot of middle-class families," Smith said. "That's not the case anymore."
The population shift is one reason why the income of white residents has risen steadily since 1990. While blacks saw their income climb a bit at the end of the last century, it has since fallen below 1990 levels, according to Census figures.
More than one-third of Chicago's black residents are poor. But that statistic doesn't show how concentrated poverty is.
Just over half of census tracts with a majority black population have more than 30% of families living in poverty, according to Reeves' post. Only 2% of predominantly white census tracts have that high a percentage of families in poverty.
On the flip side, only 7% of majority black tracts have fewer than 10% of families in poverty, while 81% of majority white tracts do.
Previous housing and mortgage policies that kept black residents confined to Chicago's poorer neighborhoods also limited their ability to buy homes and build wealth. As a result, many black residents rent for generations.
"The scars of segregation, redlining, housing policies and discrimination are still very visible today," said Lauren Nolan, economic development planner at the Voorhees Center.

Unemployment among blacks is higher in Chicago than it is nationally, and the gap between whites' and blacks' unemployment rates is larger. Whites had an average annual unemployment rate of 5.3% in 2014 nationally, while the rate for blacks was 11.3%.
One reason why so many blacks in Chicago are out of work is because of the loss of manufacturing jobs on the city's South side over the past 15 to 20 years, Smith said. This also adds to blacks' higher poverty rates and declining incomes.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Yankees are among the most racist people out there.
its more complicated than just Yankees being racist

there's an ever expanding dynamic of black pathologies that , instead of being shamed away, become incorporated and celebrated into a "culture" that abrades common intersections of the races until segregation or flight becomes the white answer, not just in not living in proximity to all the worrisome difficulties that bring concern but the flight of business and industry as well

and then things develop into what pilots fear, that dreaded death spiral

it seems to me that liberalism and its attendant political correctness and refusal to address any real issue lest one be perceived as believing in an objective truth feeds these pathologies until all that seems left is for these same liberals to react in private practice alone while continuing to mouth banalities meant solely for other people.

a liberals greatest fear is that other liberals might think ill of them for believing in a truth. its an aggression, ya know
  • DSK
  • 01-05-2016, 07:52 AM
The fact of the matter is that different cultures do not mix very well. Multiculturalism benefits no one except those who use it to extract money and power from the government.
Once all cultures realize it is all one big scam, and they will feel more contentment and happiness in life among their own people, this experiment in forced multiculturalism will end, and everyone will be better off.
Whites flee because there is no other answer for them. If they stay, they get hustled and scammed and shamed. They go to the suburbs with other whites because those other whites cannot use race to twist every situation into one of shame and guilt.
LMAO there have always been segregation of different cultures. It is why there is a China Town, Little Italy, and Harlem . ECT
LMAO there have always been segregation of different cultures. It is why there is a China Town, Little Italy, and Harlem . ECT Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And zoos for YOUR Chimp mobs EKIM !
  • DSK
  • 01-05-2016, 12:55 PM
LMAO there have always been segregation of different cultures. It is why there is a China Town, Little Italy, and Harlem . ECT Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Right - people are more comfortable apart from other cultures. Just look at the churches on Sunday morning - the most segregated time in America.
And zoos for YOUR Chimp mobs EKIM ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Gay fat and stupid is no way to go through life gay rey, get help.
Gay fat and stupid is no way to go through life gay rey, get help. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
And thank YOU for that accurate description of YOURSELF, EKIM ! And yes, DO seek help Ekim !
And thank YOU for that accurate description of YOURSELF, EKIM ! And yes, DO seek help Ekim ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Get your eyes checked also retard, you can't read either. Or did you think you were clever?
Get your eyes checked also retard, you can't read either. Or did you think you were clever? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
My eyes are just fine EKIM. And NO one does "clever " to try to hide being an idiot like YOU Ekim !
My eyes are just fine EKIM. And NO one does "clever " to try to hide being an idiot like YOU Ekim ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So that's YOUR position down at the 'holes EKIM. We kinda already had that figured out about YOU, but thanks for sharing and confirming it anyway !
So that's YOUR position down at the 'holes EKIM. We kinda already had that figured out about YOU, but thanks for sharing and confirming it anyway ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Twice as boring.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Twice as boring. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
we do not want to hear about your sex life