Odumbo the hypocrite!

I B Hankering's Avatar
On Feb. 11, 2009, Obama spoke about excess on Wall Street to a crowd in Elkhart, Ind. "You are not going to be able to give out these big bonuses until you pay taxpayers back," Obama said. "You can't get corporate jets. You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime. There's got to be some accountability and some responsibility." http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-me...e-skip-vegas-/

And just where was Odumbo yesterday
at taxpayer expense?

Obama, with a Latin-rock twist, rallies thousands of supporters in Las Vegas


Where did Odumbo jet-off to at taxpayer expense after Ambassador Stevens was killed?

Ambassador Murdered. Obama Goes To Vegas.

Where was Odumbo's family last spring
at taxpayer expense?

The Obama Women Are in Vegas


Odumbo is a hypocrite!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-03-2012, 12:30 PM
poor IB
I B Hankering's Avatar
poor IB Originally Posted by CJ7
Typical Dim-witted answer from the Kool Aid sotted CBJ7 . . . when he cannot refute the facts, he deflects.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-03-2012, 12:39 PM

how about Romney going to Europe on a fundraiser and taking his team of Seceret Service along for the ride?

taxpayers paid for that and you dont care enough to bitch about it?

I B Hankering's Avatar

how about Romney going to Europe on a fundraiser and taking his team of Seceret Service along for the ride?

taxpayers paid for that and you dont care enough to bitch about it?

hypocrite Originally Posted by CJ7
Your dumbass once again missed the point, CBJ7!!!!

Odumbo said, "You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime. There's got to be some accountability and some responsibility." And THEN, you Dim-wit, Odumbo went on junkets to Las Vegas not once, not twice, but repeatedly.

Furthermore, CBJ7, he let his wife and kids go to Las Vegas on the taxpayer's dime. Odumbo made the statement! Then Odumbo went to Las Vegas anyway. Odumbo is an inveterate hypocrite, CBJ7.

Oh, and in this instance, you're not a hypocrite, CBJ7, you're a Kool Aid sotted jackass!!!
Millionaires collected unemployment get pissed about that....
I B Hankering's Avatar
Millionaires collected unemployment get pissed about that.... Originally Posted by ekim008
Ekim the Inbred, the only thing worse than your indecipherable nonsense post cited above is the notion that someone actually punched the "like" button on your post!?!
Ekim the Inbred, the only thing worse than your indecipherable nonsense post cited above is the notion that someone actually punched the "like" button on your post!?! Originally Posted by I B Hankering

right you are pissing and moaning constantly about Obie while real shit gets by you.Poor IB
I B Hankering's Avatar
right you are pissing and moaning constantly about Obie while real shit gets by you.Poor IB Originally Posted by ekim008
Right, Odumbo is really shit, Ekim the Inbred.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Was that a picture of Odumbo at Hoover dam or just another faggot.....uh nevermind, one n the same.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Ekim the Inbred, the only thing worse than your indecipherable nonsense post cited above is the notion that someone actually punched the "like" button on your post!?! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Does this help?

"Nearly 2,400 Americans who received unemployment insurance in 2009 lived in households with income of at least $1 million, according to the Congressional Research Service."


I B Hankering's Avatar
Was that a picture of Odumbo at Hoover dam or just another faggot.....uh nevermind, one n the same. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yes. It's Odumbo up a river without a paddle.