Clothes are an option

Guest102312's Avatar
I was curious in how guys like provider's to dress on thier dates? I know I like to blend in to my surroundings (that is the being descret thing to do in my book) but I know some guys find it a turn on for women to stand out. What are your thoughts on this topic?
Whispers's Avatar
Nice cocktail dress or evening attire... sexy undergarments.. garters and stockings underneath... let me know in a manner that no one else knows.....
KissLover's Avatar
Dress Smart. "Smart" both definitions apply. Hot w/o sluttish.

I like ultra feminine and always with panties. Definitely not a fan of the door opening and seeing a t-shirt on the other side. I'd honestly rather see a towel and wet hair.
If you are referring to outcall dresscode...then something like jeans, boots, and a hot top.
DallasRain's Avatar
outcall to Bourbon Stree and the Quarter----form fitting tight jeans or leather pants/sexy classy blouse or sweater/leather jacket{if its cool out}/heels or boots
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 11-14-2010, 07:13 PM
I like surprises...

Having said that, for an incall, pretty much anything from being at the door buck naked to being in a conservative business attire with glasses works for me.

For an outcall, or any public date (lunch, dinner, movie, show...) sexy but classy works. I have to agree that great lingerie (or none at all) are a turn on.
Nice cocktail dress or evening attire... sexy undergarments.. garters and stockings underneath... let me know in a manner that no one else knows..... Originally Posted by Whispers
My preference exactly stated.
sixxbach's Avatar
If you have the body, a bikini is pretty hot. I can also dig black silk nightgown so I can take it off and enjoy the surprise!

LadiesFan's Avatar
I like you in a spring/summer dress and your dancing panties

Situation appropriate. I've seen women who were clearly escorts (of the classless variety) just because of their clothes (deep V to the belly and slits to the hips on both sides). Not bad at a "red carpet" type of event, but this was a ballet matinée. Or she might have been a trophy on first showing. In which case he's an asshole.

Now what you wear underneath is your option.
i think you need to specify on a "date" as in dinner in public as part of an elongated package session, vs. a euphemism for an "appointment."

in public at a public event is totally different what you want her to wear when you are playing secret squirrel.
"Playing secret squirrel"... that's hilarious. I'm adding that one to my list of sexy-time euphemisms.

For outcalls, I've had everything from "jeans and flip flops" to "business suit with no panties" to "cocktail attire with full lingerie and thigh-highs" requested.

Just to be on the safe side, I usually ask outcall clients if they have any special requests with regards to my attire or what I bring with me.

Gents, if you have a certain preference, it's always okay to let your provider know. We do want you to have the best experience possible.
guest031812's Avatar
Totally agree with Natalie.. Just ask
cowboy84's Avatar
I like it casual but sexy at the same time....
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Here is truly one of my favorite moments in BCD, especially when she lets it happen spontaneously...

Standing there in full armor (clothes), with a completely nude, nubile, and vulnerable woman pressed in tight, completely offering herself up to you...regardless of particulars, it still makes you feel like you are Julius F'n Caesar.

Not many women in my life have shown the confidence to pull that one off.