"Where's Diana? What Happened? Where are you?"

DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
I'm posting this, because I have gotten a massive amount of emails, calls & PMs - about where I am, where I've been.. where I'm going. I just want to clear this all up real fast. This forum is an easy way to spread the word.

As unfortunate as this may sound, I do not live in the hobby world everyday, all day. I go days without seeing or speaking to anyone. And, things do happen. I've read plenty of posts about unsolicited emails & texts - that's just not my style. Long story short - well kind of short..

I was supposed to go to West Texas, but was already feeling a little under the weather.. when things didn't go as planned, I took it at a sign, because the day I was due to leave for Midland - I slept through the entire day. I felt like death, I was hot & cold, throwing up, sore throat, mucus & phlegm all through my chest cavity & I couldn't swallow, with a fever of 103.2.

All contributed to -

I apologize for all inconvenience to anyone.
But - I'm not even able to deepthroat my own damn medicine.

I will let everyone know when I am back in commission.

Thanks. Diana.

Wow! I hope u feel better Diana! Take care of yourself and we'll see u when u are back @ 100%.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
thanks baby!
im getting better - i just cant afford to transfer my sickness to anyone. myGF got it in less than 48 hours. its no joke. <3

I better see you when i DO come though.. need to see if i qualify to be apart of your booty operations.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
What am I chopped liver lol. Hope you feel better
Get well Diana............
Mojojo's Avatar
Wish you a speedy recovery!
johnnybax's Avatar
Get some rest and get to feeling better girl
tiigger99's Avatar
Get better soon and thanks for the update.
allofamber's Avatar
Oh Honey I hope you feel better really soon...btw thanks again for looking out for me and doing me that favor, really do appreciate it..you rock....hugs and kisses..sending you healing love...amber
Get well honey...

Can't deepthroat your own medicine, now that is rough.

Have a speedy recovery pretty lady!
cockstrong's Avatar
get well soon ma....i know what 2 expect when u get better!!!
Hope you feel better soon.
Oh I hope you feel better darlin,,, if you need someone to bring you chicken soup let me know..
blowpop's Avatar
Feel better, Diana.
DianaDeepthroats's Avatar
you guys are all too sweet.
im finally feeling better. no hint of a cough --
nothing. and IM COMING TO HOUSTON.

you guys - PLEASE get your shots. i was in the hospital for three days. day one they thought i was going to die. Pneumonia is NO freaking joke. it went from walking to laying in less than 2 days.

everybody take your vitamins & be safe.