Does anyone know that you hobby?

I've been on this board or should I say on ASPD then here from the early 2000's. And I have to tell you that except for a few people that I've met on here, no one knows that I hobby. I have thought about tell one or two of my friends but everytime I am about to or even think about it I find that I'm not going to risk the embarrashment.

As everyone knows Charlie Sheen is very up front about why he hobbies and to be honest it's the exact reason that I do. Sometimes you just want to get your "freak on" but don't want the other things that come with it.

How many of you guys hobby and are out and open about the fact that you do and how many of you guys are like me and do it without letting anyone else know?

Even though I am a widower, and for the most part have no one to answer to but myself, I still understand that what we are doing is on the fringe.

I do not "hobby" to get my "freak on", as you say. I do it so I can enjoy the company of a beautiful woman with absolutly no strings attached. I am at the age, (64), where the only women interested in me are the older ones looking for security and want to be the next "Mrs Jackie S", or younger ones who want nice things that I will buy them, and are willing to put up with me in order to get what they want.

Since I have no interest in a "meaningful" relationship, and will end up paying any way, (we all pay for it), I simply cut through all the crap and use a real professional that knows what she is doing.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-19-2011, 09:30 AM
If you really practice the Roman Catholic's confession to the tee, I guess your priests know!
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar

I tell everyone I know that I hire escorts.

The problem is none of them believe me. They see what escorts charge and they know what a cheap bastard I am.

See! The truth shall set you free.
  • Taint
  • 02-19-2011, 09:41 AM
I've got an out-of-town buddy who I helped show the Houston ropes to, but I don't think he even hobbies anymore. I started him off right, with Erica at Escapes. I don't think he ever recovered.

Even though I am a widower, and for the most part have no one to answer to but myself, I still understand that what we are doing is on the fringe.

I do not "hobby" to get my "freak on", as you say. I do it so I can enjoy the company of a beautiful woman with absolutly no strings attached. I am at the age, (64), where the only women interested in me are the older ones looking for security and want to be the next "Mrs Jackie S", or younger ones who want nice things that I will buy them, and are willing to put up with me in order to get what they want.

Since I have no interest in a "meaningful" relationship, and will end up paying any way, (we all pay for it), I simply cut through all the crap and use a real professional that knows what she is doing. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Jackie I was only trying to be funny with the "freak on" comment. I'm not your age but I'm in it for the same reasons as you.

I can't remember who but over the past few years it always seems that some of the guys on here talk about their experiences with lots of friends. What sparked this for me with that I was out recently and heard a guy bragging to two of his friends that he just "fucked this girl and how hot she was". You know how when your at a bar and you hear others conversion then get involved into, well that's exactly what happened. The group that I was with and the group of guys talking about this girl merged and we all found out that he paid for the girl. I didn't say anything about hobbying but just decided to listen to his story. Well who ever the girl was she charged him 500 dollars for what the guy said was under an hour but she did everything (what I would assume is his definition of GFE).

There was a girl in my group that suprisingly didn't have a problem with that, which was a total shocker to me.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I have several friends that know what I do. I also have a few family members that know to a degree what I do.

When you isolate yourself and things start to go south then you have no one you can talk to or be completely honest with. That can make for a pretty lonely life or time in your life when things are hard. There should also be some people outside of this that you can bounce things off of when you need to talk. I've found that the people that know about this part of my life are always there for me when I need them.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-19-2011, 10:41 AM
While I was still working in the technology business, it is common to take your guests to the SCs; and in the oil business, usually outside of the US, it is common to treat your highest level guests to the escort entertainments, similar to the Berlusconi's scandal. So, many of my business partners know.

When I was much younger, we sometimes bet a session over a pool game. Now, we bet over a round of golf. You would be surprised how many clubbers exchanging hobby information! So, many of my friends know.

My neighbor often throws wild parties with strippers and more. He prefers outcalls. He asked me in private if I play. After confirming, he offered double session and I did not partake in Houston. I accepted his offer when we all go to high-roller-all-comp casino trips, booking luxurious suites. In hind sight, I should never hobby with my neighbor. Several parties later, after too much drinking, loose lips sank ship!

My last SO made sure her attorney, all relatives on both sides, and all of her friends know about it!

(I don't have a priest! )
...loose lips sank ship!

My last SO made sure her attorney, all relatives on both sides, and all of her friends know about it! Originally Posted by Dad
Enough said.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
If you have sn SO snd she doesn't know then it would be wise to tell no one....

Still thought I believe we should all have someone close to talk to about what we do....
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-19-2011, 11:36 AM
If you have sn SO snd she doesn't know then it would be wise to tell no one... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
If your SO knows and she encourages it, you are one lucky bastard!
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
If your SO knows and she encourages it, you are one lucky bastard! Originally Posted by Dad
I guess this may occur. Far more frequently, however, she may appear to encourage it...while the time bomb tick-tock-ticks and she patiently waits for her golden parachute to deploy.

Eyeing that 401k, are you? Well, stop it...because when distribution time rolls around she'll be cashing in the lions' share and you'll be buying Alpo by the case, even though she took the dog too.

And you know that's the truth.
OklahomaSooner's Avatar
My bestfriend I have known for 10 yrs knows....and i met him thru same lady we saw while in hobby !...he is reitred and in happy civi relationship...while I still play some.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
They are few snd far between but they are out there....

However I truly believe that even the ones that encourage do it for several reasons.

1- so they can do what they want
2- so when you call bs on them, it's their ace in the hole
3- there are deeper reasons I am sure but I don't have that insight

I also believe that the ones that do actually have or end up having severe self image and self confidence issues even if they don't admit it....
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  • bbkid
  • 02-19-2011, 01:07 PM