
It seems like only about 1 out of 10 Providers smile in their pictures. Curious about why. To me a pretty smile is as important as a pretty body. Who's with me?
Moi. I can't stand that aggressive 'sexy' look, I want somebody i can have some relaxing and friendly fun with.

I also worry whenever somebody says they are 'bubbly'. Does that mean they don't know how to STFU over a dinner date?

Silence and a loving smile are the best aphrodisiacs.
surcher's Avatar
I don't mind the sexy, "I want to fuck you" look. Yet, a beautiful smie can be just as sexy.

Essence, go here and look at the third pic. Kara has a gorgeous smile.
Yes, that's why I see her. True class.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-20-2011, 05:54 PM
Curious about why. Originally Posted by northsider77379
Not proud of their teeth!
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Yes, that's why I see her. GREAT ass. Originally Posted by essence

Fixed that for you.......

OMG.... if I had a little less melanin in my skin, y'all would be making me blush! Thanks for the kind words, guys!
TexasChiliDog's Avatar
[quote=surcher;1046312]I don't mind the sexy, "I want to fuck you" look. Yet, a beautiful smie can be just as sexy./quote]

I smile in mine..I think I look pretty when I do. Doesn't hurt that the lady takin' my pics was gorgeous,too. She made me giggle a lot.
I have to smile or I look kinda mean, which is not my true disposition. Never been good at that come hither face look. Now body language is a whole nother thing.

A good set of teeth always looks sexy on a filly, shows they are in tip top physical condition, or else have enough spare cash to afford good dental treatment rather than harmful substances.
Guest042413's Avatar
I honestly dont like my smile and plus when I dont were my retainer for a couple days I have a small gap and so I hide lol
I honestly dont like my smile and plus when I dont were my retainer for a couple days I have a small gap and so I hide lol Originally Posted by oLiViA88
The coy closed-lip smile is a nice in-between, if you're concerned about the gap.

LD, is it wrong of me to say you have the whitest teeth I've ever come across?
beautifulbailey's Avatar
I naturally smile alot. I am sort of a goof ball.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-24-2011, 07:25 AM
Some have a missing tooth.