"LEGALIZING PROSTITUTION" VotePoll/ it's in the making!

It's on the menu ladies and gents, fuck *********, legalize Prostitution now!
Nevada is the first state bringing the subject up, be prepared to support our big brothers in "Power".

I will be supporting this cause, but majority of the voters are not exactly street savvy.

If this is legalized, will the "boys in blue" have to pick-up second jobs, I wonder how many vice officers will find a way to fix this ?

Edit: Mention of illegal substance is prohibited - Mojo
Naomi4u's Avatar

I guess being a member of SWOP have opened my eyes to legalization. I'll say this:
I am AGAINST legalizing prostitution. Everyone would do it. Our $400 an hour will turn to $150 an hour because Betty joe, Mary and Stevie decided they wanted to join the profession too. However, I am all for decriminalization. We shouldn't be thrown in jail for the work we do. In fact, we're not robbing, murdering or raping anyone and taking their money. We're in the happiness business. This business should be regulated. There should be a system in place where the ladies are required to submit their test results every 3 months or every 6 months. Decriminalization will most definitely help our community.

I will keep dreaming.
Wakeup's Avatar
If you think that "decriminalization" will stop everyone from doing it them you're deluding yourself. While everyone will acknowledge both the symantic and policy differences between "decriminalization" and "legalization" the net effect of the first is the exact same as the second.

Strippers have known this for years. They used to have to get licenses to dance topless. They thought they could get more business and charge higher rates because they were "licensed" strippers. Ask any of them how that worked out. Everyone will still do it. Rates will still drop as competition goes up. The only difference between the two words is that Vice will still have a job busting unlicensed hookers under "decriminalized" prostitution.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Wakeup, Read what I wrote again. I will give you time to edit your message. Nuff said.
Wakeup's Avatar
Wakeup, Read what I wrote again. I will give you time to edit your message. Nuff said. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
What are you saying?

You clearly said that you oppose legalization because everyone would start doing it and rates would decrease. You're supporting decriminalization because you obviously assume that wouldn't happen under a regulated system. I'm telling you that you're wrong. What do I have to modify about my post?

I'm not debating decriminalization or legalization being good, I'm debating the practical differences between the two...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Legalization implies to me pending partnership with various government entities, license raj, permit-granting (or not) sapsuckers, heavy taxation and regulation, all manner of officious shitbirds peacocking and controlling. The escort/john transaction will be a public one, at least to some degree at best.


Decriminalization implies to me the frigging government will not be involved in any private transaction between two (or more) willing adults, whether it be for the purpose of swapping firearm for firearm or money or whether it be for the purpose of providing sexual enjoyment for compensation.

Government will fuck up any and everything it engulfs. Who on earth wants to go through something like a Homeowner's Association just to get laid? It's back to pornos, cheetos, and an orange dick for me if that happens.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Legalization implies to me pending partnership with various government entities, license raj, permit-granting (or not) sapsuckers, heavy taxation and regulation, all manner of officious shitbirds peacocking and controlling.


Decriminalization implies to me the frigging government will not be involved in any transaction between two (or more) willing adults, whether it be for the purpose of swapping firearm for firearm or money or whether it be for the purpose of providing sexual enjoyment for compensation.

Government will fuck up any and everything it engulfs. Who on earth wants to go through something like a Homeowner's Association just to get laid? It's back to pornos, cheetos, and an orange dick for me if that happens. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I like you. I'm all ears
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 02-27-2011, 10:01 AM
Wakeup, Read what I wrote again. I will give you time to edit your message. Nuff said. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Sounds pretty stuck up. I will give you time to re-read your earlier post:


texasjohn1965's Avatar
It's ok, she posted that she is not coming back to the Houston boards anymore. At least we won't have to filter through 50 of her replies to read 5 messages anymore.

By anymore, I mean until she forgets what she wrote, which should be in about 5 4 3 2.....
onehitwonder's Avatar
I see y'all sent in the big guns..........

oh topic.....ummm.....I vote no........
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Shouldn't there be a poll attached to this poll?
Wayward's Avatar
For those that like a little train wreck with your threAD

Juliette seems to have a learning curve about the same as stepping off a cliff...

Hey Dad quit trying to run Naomi off, it will be like putting another quarter in Blowpop. Naomi is entertaining and Wakeup is clearly smitten with her. I for one and publicly begging her to stay.
I would like to add my 2 cents... should it be legalized? Eh... I would like to see this:
Regulated - ladies have to get an "Independent SOB license" a small registration with the state you operate in, each state would have its own license. Sounds complicated but think of it this way. If you are listed as a licensed escort, some guidelines could be laid down like "No operating around a school" and routine testing.

It would also also thin out Pimps since if one is found "controlling" ladies, he gets a minimum jail sentence of 3 years PER lady he was pimping, and add 2 more years per girl if he was pushing drugs.

Brothels, Bordello's Joy Houses etc... they can exist but the establishment has to apply for a group license, and each lady has to obtain her own personal license. And the license is only available to 20 year olds and UP. Why 20? because sevenTEEN, eighTEEN and nineTEEN all have the word TEEN which cops all equate to underage yet 17 is the age of consent in Texas I believe.

Now, making it legal.... sure why not. I do not think that if it was made legal tomorrow with no fear of arrest, the market would not be flooded with new girls all trying to make money.. I am sure there will be an increase in the lady count but lets be honest, ladies are not going to quit their day job to do this full time... I do see it as a means for a lady to earn extra income and not get in trouble. Gives the ladies a way to compete in the business world more.

Will it drive down prices? That is up to the ladies, they set the prices, we guys might want to negotiate but really it never happens...

The economy sets prices. It is supply and demand, if demand is high and supply is low, prices can go up, as long as "demand" has money for the supply. if supply is high and demand is low, prices go down. Demand has to have money to meet with supply and if there is an abundance of supply and demand has plenty of money, the "supplies can try for a higher rate, or if their rates were a little lower, more "suppliers" can be contacted.... hence Demand spreads his abundance of money around.

(did that sound dirty to you as it did when I typed it?)

So a savvy "supplier" would keep market trends and the economy in mind, maintain a minimum set price but let the "demand" know that like gas prices, they can go up and down, depending on the economy..
I think it's safe to say that either change will have an effect. it's a fun topic to debate even though we all know the chances of any "official" change is near impossible.

Legalization (implying regulation / licensing / restrictions)
We know some current providers will choose not to get licensed for a variety of reasons. For them, they're now competing with licensed providers (as well as the current ones who choose to provide as unlicensed)

Decriminalization (no more arrests / raids)
This will certainly increase the number of providers by the number of women who currently don't provide for fear of prosecution

As Spirit stated... an increase in supply without an increase in demand will certainly cause prices to drop

In either case...
As prices drop below the local "worth it" mark. Then a number of providers will either exit the profession or move to a different market that supports their desired pricing.

As this happens, the "supply" is reduced and demand will appear to increase for those providers who remain. This will then cause the rates to increase slightly until a balance is reached.

Just my two cents
Miss_Mya's Avatar
I would not want to see it legalized for the simple fact that the government is too much in our lives. They would use legalization as a way to regulate it and it would probably not be cheap for the providers. States could also make new laws in conjunction with this as well. They could make it legal and require a license and then make it a felony for those doing it without a license. They could also charge whatever they wanted for the license. I don't know much about the laws in TX but in MO an entertainers license is almost a hundred dollars so who knows how much they would charge for a provider's license. They could also force the provider to also get a business license for their in-call and make it illegal for them to work out of a hotel. Also let us not forget all those age restriction policies and other discrimination policies that providers like to have. Legally those policies can be deemed unlawful. There is just too many things the government could do to make it even more difficult than it is now. I would be all for decriminalization just because there would no government involvement and no regulation but that is up to individual cities to not worry about it and setup stings and what not.