
Im just curious if anyone has rules on writing reviews? or Opinions.

What do you think about reviews posted really late? Is there an expiration date? lol. Is posting a review months later frowned upon?

What would u think if someone just put "ya i saw her" and not details, cause i respect that lol.

Are there reasons u wouldnt write a review? besides being asked not too, or getting super kinky.

Im mostly wondering about the lateness. Do you think its bad to post a review, say two months later?

And how many guys DONT read reviews and just look for yesses?

How many GUYS are newbie friendly?
(id assume alot)
ck1942's Avatar
Good questions, and

See these links (at the top of the SA Indy review forum) for more info:

sample reviews
necessary information

The system has a bit of a kink in it (hey, don't we all!) in that every review is shown in a poster's review count, but that doesn't necessarily mean the review was credited.

= = = = =

Many hobbyists prefer not to write reviews for a variety of reasons.

-- avoiding controversy
-- feeling the lady already has enough reviews
-- the session had "nothing to add" to the data base
-- hobbyist prefers not to reveal his "preferences" nor his budget
-- provider prefers not to reveal some gents she sees


Not getting close to the frills and foibles of UTR hobbyists, UTR providers.
Precious_b's Avatar
Without looking, I guess CK linked to the rules to a review.

For the Hobbyist, after a month, it doesn't really do him any good for ROS access.

Than there are the procrastinaters. Not much you can do with that timely lot.

But posting helps *if* details are given. A mailed in review serves no good use to anyone: the person giving it, the people reading it. AND the person it is about.

I try to write pertinent stuff or things that I think people may overlook or not really think is important. I'm sure people don't write everthing that happened BCD since you can't really get everything down.

I don't look at the Cliff notes version by just looking at the bottom.

I've seen relatively new Providers but only after reviews. Never cold without details.
pyramider's Avatar

Im just curious if anyone has rules on writing reviews? or Opinions.

What do you think about reviews posted really late? Is there an expiration date? lol. Is posting a review months later frowned upon? Not frowned upon, but after so many days they do not get Premium Access credit.

What would u think if someone just put "ya i saw her" and not details, cause i respect that lol. Depending on who the fucktard is ...

Are there reasons u wouldnt write a review? besides being asked not too, or getting super kinky. Writing reviews is a pan in the ass. I have written several hundred here and elsewhere.

Im mostly wondering about the lateness. Do you think its bad to post a review, say two months later? No issue.

And how many guys DONT read reviews and just look for yesses? Many do not read the reviews because they are usually full of inaccurate information and glorified chest thumping.

How many GUYS are newbie friendly? So are, some are not.
(id assume alot)
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx

My responses are in red.

Im just curious if anyone has rules on writing reviews? or Opinions.
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
I no longer write reviews, but my self-imposed rules for writing reviews were to be entertaining and informative (sometimes there was more emphasis in entertainment).

If a member writes a review, there needs to be admission to having carnal knowledge of the provider. Something that says, We Had Sex. It cannot be as generic as stating, "She is real, and we did what adults do, I had a great time, etc., etc."

What do you think about reviews posted really late? Is there an expiration date? lol. Is posting a review months later frowned upon?
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
Reviews that are posted later than 30 days from the day that the activity took place, are not accepted for Premium Access credit... Then again, who is to say when the review actually took place. Just make sure that both the writer and the provider agree that a review will be written so that she doesn't freak out and contact the moderators complaining, "I don't know what he is talking about. I saw him months ago."

What would u think if someone just put "ya i saw her" and not details, cause i respect that lol. Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
The writer can write whatever he wants, but ultimately, he will not receive (shouldn't receive) credit for the review.

Are there reasons u wouldnt write a review? besides being asked not too, or getting super kinky. Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
Back when I was writing reviews, I would not write a review if the lady asked me not to. I wouldn't visit that lady again because of this, now I have a better understanding of why they would prefer to do this.

Im mostly wondering about the lateness. Do you think its bad to post a review, say two months later? Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
To the reader, well... he is none the wiser unless the lady chimes or he writes the accurate date on his review.

And how many guys DONT read reviews and just look for yesses? Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
Personally, I only read reviews of the ladies I am interested in seeing. There was a time when I read every single review that was out there. I know enough ladies in the community at this time that I don't really read reviews. If something fucked-up happens during one of my dates, then I simply contact my friends on the site and make sure they know to be careful. If it is a serious safety issue, I will write an alert.

How many GUYS are newbie friendly? Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
I am very newbie friendly. I will even coach a new lady in safety, screening, site operation, take pics for her to advertise with (and not hold it over her head), if she so wishes (otherwise, I'll just STFU)... and yes, I do enjoy discounts... ijs...

(id assume alot)
Originally Posted by SweetSarahTx
Well, now you are asking questions, which means that you know more now than you did when you first started.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
An additional question to ask about reviews is...
Why do guys tell you at the end of a session to expect a review, but they never follow through?
An additional question to ask about reviews is...
Why do guys tell you at the end of a session to expect a review, but they never follow through? Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
Because sometimes the guys don't have time alone to write it. Also, there are times when the guys are not hurting for Premium Access (PA), so they will sit on the review until they have time, or until their PA is about to expire (some don't understand that the PA stacks up). At one point I had 2 plus years of PA from previous reviews.

Other times, the guys are just lazy and don't want to spend the time writing a review. Similar to when someone lends a hooktard money for the promise of a future hook-up, but the hooktard never finds time for the hook-up.
Doglegg's Avatar
An additional question to ask about reviews is...
Why do guys tell you at the end of a session to expect a review, but they never follow through? Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
I suspect it is due to laziness/procrastination.
sms918's Avatar
ok, i know I'll get criticism, but

I try to always ask if a providers likes reviews (some don't, sometimes I forget and pm later if no response I won't write one assuming they don't want one.)

I ask about ok's and reviews on other sites.

I used to write one almost every time I saw a provider until the flack I get was too irritating. (one case in particular, several reviews of same provider and we both heard about it and possibly could have gotten to hurt her business after awhile because of cracks.)

I don't have NO reviews because unless a provider did not do what she said she would, our session problems don't affect my opinion of people seeing her or not. (and yes there are lots of guys who don't read reviews, just yes or no)

if it's something I think is a problem, men's lounge or other non public areas are a better place. For the people in this hobby, not a lot stays hidden for long, and the lurkers(tough.)

everybody has off days and some have spectacular days.

Late reviews-- I have lifetime access, so credit doesn't matter. I try to write interesting and informative reviews. unlike others, really don't like to make up or boost or read about others who do.** RW and work sometimes contribute to lateness.

***personally, you write a review, you own it. heard that recently.
I write a review. The provider and myself know what happened. I ask provider if she wants to know what I write(it is about the both of us). I don't write crap that is hidden and then try and act like I'm a "good" guy in Co-ed like some. No matter nice or nasty some guys do own up to what they do and then get flack, but you'll get more respect from some of us.

review is about what happened. sounds simple. shame that's not how it is all the time.

Some of us actually like writing and reading them.