I am confused by this...

Being relatively new to all this I have a question for the ladies...

Everyone one of you has a disclaimer on your website stating (more or less) "You are paying for my time and nothing else. Anything we do during that time is just the free will of consenting adults. This is not an offer of prostitution."

Here's the part that puzzles me... Some of you also include special rates, like: greek is +$100, fetish is +$100, prostate massage is +$50, etc.

Doesn't that contradict the previous statement?

I believe you have the right to charge whatever you want for your time and in my limited hobby experience I have never tried to talk someone down. But don't the add-ons (usually fetishes) imply that you are charging for specifics acts and not merely charging for your time? (And, aren't you at a legal risk when you advertise rates like this?)

I apologize if this is a naive question... someone please enlighten me.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
First, welcome to another realm. Glad you stopped by!

Second, this probably isn't the best forum to ask your question but I'll give it a shot. I've never liked disclaimers. After a bunch of fussing with my webmaster, my disclaimer doesn't suggest anything with the word "prostitution" in it. After all, if you're not doing it, then why suggest it to begin with?

Besides, it's been proven over and over that those words, and disclaimer, does nothing to protect the woman.

With regard to offering certain "things", well ... I've never thought that was wise but people do it. Shrug. Whatever floats your boat.

Third. Yeah. It's a contradiction for those who do that. I don't pay enough attention to really notice that but it's a contradiction, sure. And suggesting certain acts for a price isn't something that I believe is a good thing. But today I'm feeling completely glib.

Hope that I answered your questions. And by the way, offering fetish appointments isn't against the law if certain rules are followed.

Being relatively new to all this I have a question for the ladies...

Everyone one of you has a disclaimer on your website stating (more or less) "You are paying for my time and nothing else. Anything we do during that time is just the free will of consenting adults. This is not an offer of prostitution."

Here's the part that puzzles me... Some of you also include special rates, like: greek is +$100, fetish is +$100, prostate massage is +$50, etc.

Doesn't that contradict the previous statement?

I believe you have the right to charge whatever you want for your time and in my limited hobby experience I have never tried to talk someone down. But don't the add-ons (usually fetishes) imply that you are charging for specifics acts and not merely charging for your time? (And, aren't you at a legal risk when you advertise rates like this?)

I apologize if this is a naive question... someone please enlighten me. Originally Posted by NaughtyButNice

I'm not a "lady", but I think what you are seeing is the mis-application of the law to their website. Prostitution is illegal in virtually all jurisdictions of the US, however escorting is not.

When you see disclaimers like that it is (usually, and without exception) the intent of the lady to try and skirt the issue of prostitution. And, as you point out, they are then next shooting themselves in the foot by advertising the "extras". If you are paying for time, how can you pay extra for an activity when you already say your companionship is based upon time and not activity?

However, I can see it from the ladies view as well. They are trying to be upfront about their time. Some of them actually do differentiate their activities better than others, but when you get to things like greek and it's ilk, you are pretty much limited to either stating the obvious, or merely alluding that "other activities are open to discussion. Please inquire about my rates".

But mostly I think you are seeing ads from girls who are only putting in a cursory amount of effort to advertise their business.
its kinda no win situation...the disclaimer is pretty usless

but if they dont tell you upfront, and only tell you after everyone is comfy, then its upselling and nobody likes that either.