Would you the hobbyiest or provider be insulted if the other party asked to see a recent negative test result.

Ive seen in another city where a provider would update her site with her negative tests.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I think that would lead to a false sense of security. Some STDs have an incubation period and won't show up for a few weeks on a test.
  • wonk
  • 01-18-2016, 02:25 PM
"update her site with her negative tests."

Curious.... did she block out her real name and other personal info?
IF so... how do you know they are real results?
Photoshop can do some neat stuff...
Oh yeah - and go to google images and google "negative test results, std" and see what you can come up with. LOL Anyone can use one of those and block out the name and address.
"update her site with her negative tests."

Curious.... did she block out her real name and other personal info?
IF so... how do you know they are real results?
Photoshop can do some neat stuff... Originally Posted by wonk

My sentiments exactly....
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
I don't think its a big deal. Many of these providers say they get checked regularly so what's the problem when the guy ask to see the results. I keep my results & don't mind showing them for a piece of mind.

What's wrong with a guy just wanting to be safe & healthy. Since y'all (whoever) get tested regularly, why not show the results? I feel that if a women get over defensive about it, she's got something to hide.
Even if I were not a provider, as a woman, sexual health is important and Id still be tested quarterly at least.
All true. Thinking back i always use the 4 day turn around with call in results
FunInDFW's Avatar
I wouldn't be insulted; but I'm not carrying that shit around with me. If she's asking and wants something electronically, then I'd just laugh and pass on seeing her.
CharlieDevilDog's Avatar
For you maybe. I couldn't get excited without knowing its safe. Nothing kills the mood faster than urethral(dick) fucking discharge man... Nothing.
milfy2002's Avatar

When I get them on paper I've no problem showing them when requested.

My regular doctor mails them so when I go there I do get a paper copy. She really made me mad last visit with her lecture so I been shopping around.

Back when I used planned parenthood they gave the results over the phone, honestly I never asked if I could get a copy, was too busy doing the happy dance.

I'm about to try that free place mentioned earlier this month, so if they give them out on paper I'll have them to show.

I doubt I would ever post them on my website!