Provider/Stripper Olympics

OK, time to get rid of all the debate about who is better at this or that.

It is time to create a world class competition to allow the very best strippers and providers to compete head to head, boob to boob, pussy to pussy. I am thinking every 2 years to allow time for training. Held in odd number years so as to not overshadow those other worthless olympics (So you can swim fast? Big deal! Now, if it was can you swim faster than a shark, that would be interesting)

The medels will be gold plated envelopes that will be descretly placed on the winners night stand after they win. ( Sorry, due to some incidents of grab & go, no awarding of medels before a compention is complete)

All medels will be gold of course so they will match the other gold plated part of the competors bodies.

All competitors will submit a detailed resume of their skills and photos. And, they have to promise they are current and really them. No bait and switch here!

Unless your actualy competing in the NC/NS event, please call and cancel if you cannot make an event so a substitute can compete in your place.

Ron Jeramy will be the head judge. (Hay, he maybe an ugly fucker, but who is better qualified to judge pussy?)

More details will be forthcoming as I drink more.

Now, there will be the standard events you would expect as well as a few supprises.

My favorite is a swiming event. Its a round tank of water. The competitors start on the sides. When the event starts, we drop a guy with a $100 bill attached to his penis into the middle of the pool and let the girls go. Winner is the one who comes up with the $100. We will be using hobbyst who pull NC/NS as the bait. Should be able to run this event alot. Just to make it more interesting, if the guy gets out of the tank (alive) with the $100, he gets BBFS from his choice of the contestants. (yea, fat chance of that)

What other events would you like to see?