Psa for the mongers

winn dixie's Avatar
Fellow monger brethern. It has come to my attention some yall have scaly calloused feet and rub them on the funnel monsters. Please moisturize and clip them nails.
Also. Again! It's hot and the funnel monsters are complaining again about yalls smegma. Please shower. Use a wash cloth and scrub that stuff away.
And please . Ifn you schedule an appointment. Please show up. It riles the collective hive and gets em all worked up.
Another issue. Dentine in a pinch can help with that hallotosis. Don't show up with yuk mouth cuz you refuse to brush.
Also. I've been told to let the brethern know. If you work with your hands. And or just have dirty hands. Don't expect to fiv a funnel monster.

I bring these psa's to yas cause I care. I want ever ones to have good sexy times with no issues.

- wd
winn dixie's Avatar
Oh and please read a providers whole ad and bio. PLEASE! This comes up at every meeting.
Whew! Almost forgot that one. I'll get pm's for that!
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
Great summary of weekly posted issues!

Well done!

winn dixie's Avatar
Great summary of weekly posted issues!

Well done!

Originally Posted by Alexandra Sand
Yeah but I'm in trouble with the local chapter of " no maam".
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-19-2024, 07:38 AM
Wouldn't hurt to learn what primary colors are .
winn dixie's Avatar
OK the lady with that perfect avatar can make fun.
No one else. Silence .
Local brethern will go along with these demands. If some concessions be made by the skin monsters.
Let's make this happen.
Report on concessions later......
Passion2015's Avatar
Do we have to use water? If we need water it’s hard to shower daily at the current rates.

Asking for a friend
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Yes water required.
And soap.

Wouldn't hurt to learn what primary colors are . Originally Posted by R.M.
How many primary colors are there?
Any chance only one with a few different labels?
Alexandra Sand's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Now that's a primary color in Alexandra's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
I have been instructed to add to the psa.......
Mongers please keep up with the manscaping. Especially during warm weather days.
Also wear deodorant.

All this will ensure good sexy times.
Passion2015's Avatar
With all these request, I’m going to have to pay more for water, buy a man scaping razor, buy more soap, get more pedicures, and heck while I’m at it why not start getting manicures.

This is killing me and now I won’t have time to hobby.

Damn it. I guess I’ll just have to have phone sex and use rosy Palmer and her 5 sisters
winn dixie's Avatar
Remember it's the skin monsters rules or the highway. Don't resist. It's futile. You will be assimilated
winn dixie's Avatar
Also. If a provider asks a question.
Think twice before answering! They may just want an echo chamber!