Make Backpage Easier to Search

Blue Moon's Avatar
Backpage can be frustrating because you can spend lots of time reading inane headines and when you see one that looks interesting and click on it more often than not the pictures reveal something other than what you are looking for. Well, guess what? You can fix Backpage for your own quick and easy surfing experience. With this personal fix, the headlines appear as before but any pictures on the page show up below the headlines. This allows you to scan through the list and only click on postings that catch your eye.

This is somewhat technically challenging but worth the effort (it's all free too!).

What you need:
Firefox Browser (required for this to work) available here:
Greasemonkey available here:
Backpage image preview – Fixed available here:

Install each of these in order.
Start with Firefox and then run it.
Install Greasemonkey next
Finally install the Backpage image preview. Make sure greasemonkey is turned on (look for colored—not black and white--monkey face in lower right) and browse to the link above and click install. Now you are ready to see Backpage the way it was meant to be seen.

Note: when you see something that catches your eye, click on the headline, not the images.

Speedy browsing!
DarthMaul's Avatar
There is also ....Someone posted this the other day.
Blue Moon's Avatar
While I like's interface, the most recent update was 10 hours ago!
backpageofsex way easier....
Blue Moon's Avatar
Well, once you get it set up, the Greasemonkey approach is just as easy. The problem with BackPageOfSex is it's not current. I just now checked BPOS and it's 11 hours behind! Maybe they only pull data from BP once a day?
With Greasemonkey, because you are viewing Backpage directly it's current all the time.