Year End Review - Escorts Reveal The Strangest Things They’ve Ever Been Asked To Do

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I know you ladies have your own stories to close out 2017

Here's a sampling:

“Testicle slapping. I’ve had several clients request this but the first one had injected saline into his scrotum so that it was enormous. He wanted them smacked until they were red and hot. The guy came three times that way. It was actually kind of impressive.”

“He wanted me to put a plug up his butt and call him every hour at his office to make sure he still had it in. I did this for an entire week, only letting him take it out to use the bathroom and go to sleep. I actually enjoyed the power play of it way more than I thought I would.”
“I had one client who only wanted to see me when I was on my period so he could go down on me and he really enjoyed it. I have to say I enjoyed it too.”
"I met one client who had warned me beforehand that he was unusually hung and I took this for the standard humble bragging that I’d heard so many times before. Well, when he arrive he really wasn’t kidding. The thing was as long as my forearm and thicker than my wrist and it looked even bigger than that since he was only about 5 and a half feet tall. I had to politely decline because there was no way I could have made that work. I actually felt bad for him though, he’d clearly been declined for the same reason before.”
“I considered this weird at the time because I was new to the game but I had one client, about 40 years old, who wanted me to crush bugs in stiletto heels while he watched. The guy brought a whole cardboard box of cockroaches (who knows where he got them) and a pair of vinyl heels in my size. He didn’t touch himself or anything, just watched as I played sexy exterminator. It was definitely gross at the time but it was also some of the easiest money I’ve ever seen.”
“I had one client who asked me to stick thumbtacks into his member and got mad when I wouldn’t. Um, no. Also, get out.”

He wanted me to do his taxes with no pants on. 300/ hour.
A buddy of mine in college was one of the university’s starting baseball pitchers. He also happened to be gay. After college, he got an entry-level management job in the Miami area. The pay was crap, of course, so he started moonlighting as a RentBoy to augment his income. Eventually, he got hired by some wealthy closet case. Showed up at the client’s home where he was led into the garage and shown a 50 gallon barrel. Filled with oranges. The client went into the opposite corner of the garage, stripped down naked, and asked my buddy to throw the oranges at him. As Buddy tells it: “Man, I’m gay and everything. But I was a college baseball player. I throw in the high 80’s. Are you SURE you want me to do this?” Client LOVED HIM. Buddy plunked the guy for 20 minutes and got asked back every two weeks for the next 3 years. No sex. Just oranges. C’est la vie.
I had the chance to ask an escort this very question. She told me she had a regular who liked her to shit on his chest, then take a spoon and feed it to him.
Former Pro-Domme here. Client wanted me to scald him in a tub until he passed out, revive and repeat for several hours. I said hell no.
I had a guy lay me out on the table, take my shoes off, get out a set of dental picks and mirrors and electric toothbrush, and do a “dental exam” on my feet. For an hour. Checking for ‘cavities’, ‘polishing’, ‘flossing’, etc. I was supposed to play the whole thing straight as if it was really my teeth he was examining. Never did his penis come out of his pants. It was actually a totally great time, if a bit bizarre to start.
a girl I know used to be a dominatrix, her worst was a guy who used to pay her $800 per half an hour to stick syringes into his penis
$60 to give him my used tampon. Then, after giving it to him, another $60 if I would watch him eat it. It was $120 on a slower night. All I could think was that he was going to get a terrible blockage later, no matter how well he chewed it.

Had a larger, 50ish lady ask me to snuggle with her in a rocking chair. Wanted me to suck on her nipples as if I were nursing. She stroked my hair the entire time. It was really really weird and kind of sad.
DallasRain's Avatar
I had a gent ask me to put safety pins thru his nutsack and nipples...ouccchhhhh
DallasRain's Avatar
What happened to just good ol fuckin. Lol
Fancyinheels's Avatar
What happened to just good ol fuckin. Lol Originally Posted by DallasRain

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Sounds like Chappy is under 25 years old. Or just too sheltered as a boy. I remember all this shit on HBO. Admittedly at the age when I should have not been watching.

Italia DiBella's Avatar
I Met a semi Newbie from some review board,don't recall the name.
(Think he just changed his handle)
IDK nothing
Shhhh mums the word.

Had him visit for an Extended Visit, all was well, we had a few cocktails, shower play, then he starts a certain Role Play, ok,fine we play it out.
Then trys to switch the scene to A Deeper Realm.

He wanted to Cream Pie, then go visit another provider he had lined up after me, he wanted her to suck & clean him up!!!???
He insisted that the provider was okay with that???
Ummm excuse me, & what makes you think I'm okay with that??

Okay, That Role Play over
No can do
I Had to go into improvise mode, just to end our Play on a good note with no harm,no faul.
Yes, I would see him again.
And have numerous times & continuing.
Just different Role Play.

Just when I thought I've seen & heard it all.
TryWeakly's Avatar
There was once a provider that told my cousin's uncle's nephew that some stupid muthafucker done fell in love with her. He used to serenade her and all that cheesy bullshit.

I dont think she ever married him and I guess they had a "falling out" of sorts...

Homie was so embarassed that he left and came back under a different handle.....

I guess that happens alot.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
/\/\/\ Never heard about that one.

But it's probably more common than talked about in the industry.

Back on topic regarding my previous adventure...
What's also more common is Gents BB & or Cream Pie someone than go see "said provider" who has no idea.
That's their (the Gents) kinky fetish, accept it or roll out & go full Covered Everything even DATY

Back to OP's question.
I think the most grotesque situation I've been in is when a Gent wanted me to make him lick two toilets rim & all during my studio era.
Then he wondered why no one kissed him ummmmm no thank you.

My Domination Play is strictly UTR so nothing current to share.
Shhhh mums the word
Shhh... don't tell anyone but I get off on chihuahuas watching us...
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Shhh... don't tell anyone but I get off on chihuahuas watching us... Originally Posted by Zhivago52
fellowes's Avatar
I knew a fucktard who once shit in a provider's incall.
midnite312004's Avatar
Damn,I guess I really am vanilla as a provider recently told me because I just wanted to fuck.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
What happened to just good ol fuckin. Lol Originally Posted by DallasRain

People are looking for higher Utopia's..personally there's nothing more sexually gratifying than spooning and cuddling. Titties on my back ohh man that shit is pure heaven...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
There was once a provider that told my cousin's uncle's nephew that some stupid PAID muthafucker done fell in love with her. He used to serenade her and all that cheesy BANKROLL bullshit.

I dont think she ever married him (PRE-NUP) and I guess they had a "falling out" of sorts...

Homie was so PAID... embarassed that he left and came back under a different PAID handle.....

I guess that happens alot. Originally Posted by TryWeakly

FIFY with some well placed and needed adjectives and verbs. ;-)
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Back to OP's question.
I think the most grotesque situation I've been in is when a Gent wanted me to make him lick two toilets rim & all during my studio era.
Then he wondered why no one kissed him ummmmm no thank you.

My Domination Play is strictly UTR so nothing current to share.
Shhhh mums the word Originally Posted by Italia DiBella

What was his race...I know for dam sho Negros ain't doing this shit....