Woes of Georgia Officials - Political??

... G'day Seekers of Truth, - you're in the proper thread!

... So what is going on with some of the Georgia Officials??

Crikey! ... It was bad enough when we saw the rather odd
saga of Fulton County DA Fani (pronounced "Fon-nee") Willis.
Fani is now being investigated for a couple o' things.

But then there's Christina Peterson - A Douglas County
Probate Judge - who was just arrested for hitting a
police officer while defending a mate of hers who was
being arrested by police.

Judge Peterson is now claiming she was "set up" by police
(she didn't claim Trump is behind it - yet) - even that
she wouldn't give the arresting officers her name or ID.

The 38 year-olde Judge was charged with Battery and
Felony Obstruction.

Read more about this in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
They may even still have the video-clip of the arrest.

... Now Fani Willis is sayin' HER recent investigative Woes
are politically motivated... Now we'll see IF Christina
Peterson will claim her-own arrest is "political" also.

#### Salty