A message to the guys.. The AHoles not y'all wonderful gentlemen..

Ok so what's up with no calling, no showing? Do y'all get some kind of thrill by standing a provider up? I mean it takes like 3 seconds to send a cancellation text. Do you not think our time is as valuable as yours? I'm sure you'd be pretty po'd if someone did that you.
I arrange my time based on scheduled appointments so when I don't even get a "I'm sorry but I can't make it" text it throws off entire day. Not to mention the possible appts I could have made but didn't bc that time was already taken. Believe me I understand that sometimes things come up, really I do. It happens to everyone. I'm very cool about rescheduling, etc. What I don't understand is the lack of respect for my time. I respect yours so naturally I should expect the same, right? Guess not..
This is absolutely my biggest pet peeve about the hobby. Right up there with hagglers and a generally dickish personality..
I'll finish this rant off by saying, if you no call, no show me you go onto my DO NOT SEE list. Period! The end! Just don't do it.
And on a more positive note.. Thank you to everyone of y'all service men. Current and Retired. You do a service that not everyone is cut out for and bc of that I'm grateful and appreciate the courage and sacrifice you make. Happy Veterans Day you sexy military men!

Would you like a box of kleenex?
I had a guy from here the other day do me the exact same thing... And then yesterday he had the nerve to send me a PM. to say that work was busy, and as soon as he could he would schedule an appt. to see me. I sent him a polite reply, that we DID have an appt scheduled for 5:30 pm. on 11/3/2015 date. His response yesterday was "If you don't want to see me I will understand". ... I told him it only takes a few minutes to send me a text or call to cancel. It wasn't until said appt. was to take place that I realized that he wasn't coming. I texted him, called him, and never heard so much as a peep out of him until yesterday morning when out of the blue he pm'ed me...
He then sent me a text on my phone also yesterday to say he would call me in a couple of minutes.. Well guess what No call!!

Didn't surprise me. He is a new member. Joined June 26, 2015. He was screened by his work I.D.

If any ladies wish to have his info. please feel free to message me.

So see you aren't the only 1 it has happened to, and probably won't be the last. I just blow it off and say ISH happens......

Seeking there are no tears on my face.. Just verbalizing a frustration I figured other providers have. So no I'm good, I don't need a kleenex. Thanks though.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 11-11-2015, 11:29 AM
I can relate. If I had enough fingers to count the times I got NCNS while showing up at a hotel after I was given the hotel addy. No legit reason either. I wasn't asked to park in a certain spot to where she could of seen me and decided that she'd rather fuck a rabid dog. However, I don't let it get to me. Sometimes I'll even keep calling and calling for fun just to piss her of and screw up her incoming calls.
Back to the thread at hand here? Do providers actually sit around waiting later than 10 to 15 mins past the set time waiting on with no word from the hobbyist?
You have every right to remind time wasters that their information is exchanged
with other women,,,,they will learn sooner or later.
,,,well done.
They disrespected your time. You didn't mention any handles. Lorde she hasn't exchanged any Info that I can see

Another useless crying ThreAD
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Seeking there are no tears on my face.. Just verbalizing a frustration I figured other providers have. So no I'm good, I don't need a kleenex. Thanks though. Originally Posted by keri2114
Dont mind the miserable gorgeous! I understand the frustrations! Hate when that happens, I know it goes on both ends just is no fun when it does happen. Have a great day beautiful and Nevermind who doesn't matter
In my case, his Handle was Droopy814. With that being said, I just chalked it up as n"Nature of the Business" and moved on. I am not in the least upset, I just figure he is just a timewaster, or at the least a guy who flakes out on ladies at the last minute for no good reason. #SHARINGISCARING

Sorry that happened to you.
myren1900's Avatar
I must have been extremely lucky with the providers I have seen. I only recall two providers where it has happened that I showed up at an incall location just to find no responses to my texts or calls.
Two times it was a first meeting, and I gave both providers a second chance and met them at a later date. However, one of the providers did not keep our third appointment either, so I gave up on her. Failure to meet 2 out of 3 times is not practical. In all three cases I had spent over an hour driving, so it really is a waste of time and frustrating when you have been looking forward to a session.
his Handle was Droopy814. #SHARINGISCARING
Originally Posted by Melissa Madyson
Thanks M.M.
Your welcome P... I gave him a chance to redeem himself but so far nothing. So I'm kinda over the whole thing lol
Sorry that happened to you Keri dear (and MM, Jessika my Sweetz). It does suck and your time is valuable too. I hope that the rest of your VD is better, fun and profitable.
larsalexanderson's Avatar
VD . Originally Posted by mriley000
Poor choice of abbreviation.
Poor choice of abbreviation. Originally Posted by larsalexanderson