Ladies, we do not have "Take your children to work Day"!

April 21, 2011

California prostitute arrested in sting operation while her kids stayed in the car

In what will probably amount one to the worst examples of "Take your children to work Day" ever, a suspected prostitute in California was busted in a sting operation told officers she left her babies in a car while she walked the streets.

The Associated Press reports that Oakland police arrested the 25-year-old Stockton woman Wednesday afternoon after agreed to be paid in exchange for sex and got into the car of an undercover cop.

After police stopped the vehicle a few blocks away to make the arrest, the unidentified woman told police that her 1-year-old boy and girl were back in her car.

The officers checked the vehicle and sure enough, the babies were sleeping in the car seats.

The children have been turned over to child welfare officials and there are no details on what kind of charges the woman will face at this time.
lol No way!!! lol how sad is that....lose ur kids just for 100 bucks(probably) obviously she was low budget. Smh lol good one Aimee!
lol No way!!! lol how sad is that....lose ur kids just for 100 bucks(probably) obviously she was low budget. Smh lol good one Aimee!
I hear it IS hard to find a good sitter
=< that is very sad
Wow that is really sad I can't believe that
Oh my... how horrible. That is really sad. how sad! You would think that women would have enough respect for their child but most live in a hotel....
Thats too bad. She really should have a babysitter or something, but what do I know...i dont have any kids...
Wow that's SO sad! Can't afford a babysitter? Really...