Beto Revisted.....

Election 2018

How Ted Cruz held off
Beto O’Rourke in Texas

The marquee Senate race was one of several key victories for Republicans.

Okay, I get it....Beto made this a whole lot closer than many of us imagined.....I guess my question is Why? Surely TEXAS is not becoming a purple state....smh….

I've heard / read some think it's because of ALL the West Coasters moving into the state. While I'm not in a position to dismiss anything, that seems somewhat far-fetched (have that many Californians relocated into our Great State bringing their ridiculous values / political alliances with them? It just seems inconceivable that's the only explanation.)

I'm open to anyone's take per this...….
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
In 2016, John Carter won the Texas 31st Congressional District race by 23.9%. In 2018 he won by 3%.

In 2014, Greg Abbott became Texas governor by 20.4%. He just won re-election by 13.4%.

In 2012, Ted Cruz became Senator winning by 16%. On Tuesday Cruz won re-election by 2.6%.

The Texas population grew to 28.3 million by the end of 2017, an increase of almost 400,000 new residents. Almost 190,000 of that 400,000 came from net migration. Texas had the top 3, and 7 of the top 15, fastest growing cities in the nation for cities larger than 50,000. New Braunfels, Frisco, and Pflugerville. And many of these "carpetbaggers" are coming from N.Y., California, and Florida.

So I certainly believe Texas is becoming more left-leaning in recent years due to the migration of people from other, more liberal, states. I guess the good news is that Texas will be picking up more House seats after the next census.
[QUOTE=SpeedRacerXXX;1061047065]And many of these "carpetbaggers" are coming from N.Y., California, and Florida. [QUOTE]

Not all growth is good growth....especially if these "immigrants" from said states are Dimm-tards (case in point per the aforementioned numbers you stated).

Maybe that "Wall" Mr Trump wants built along our southern border shouldn't be restricted to just the Rio Grande, etc....wrap that sucker right up and around the Panhandle, the Red River, Texarkana to the Golden Triangle....
There is video of a poller saying they were letting illegals vote. If you look at the map, it probably happened all over the place along the boarder.
bambino's Avatar
Austin has become Silicon Valley east. Lots of medical device companies have relocated there. One I represented moved there 7 years ago from Palo Alto. I think it’s real. Cali’s new Governor will make things worse there. The exodus will continue. Lots of NYC liberals are moving south. NC, Georgia and Florida.
rexdutchman's Avatar
People are coming from N.Y., California, two Cali types just move into the neighborhood
all i know is, it's scary the rapid descent into leftism all over the country

fortitude, self reliance, and general goodness are all clinging desperately by a finger hold on a sheer Yosemite granite cliff and common sense isn't as common as it once was

and education ain't what it used to be
TheDaliLama's Avatar
People are coming from N.Y., California, two Cali types just move into the neighborhood Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Somebody get a rope.
LexusLover's Avatar
They move her to enjoy no income tax or high property taxes with a solid budget from the legislature and the governor, but their fleece and spend agenda will soon crap this State up like the ones they left behind.
In 2016, John Carter won the Texas 31st Congressional District race by 23.9%. In 2018 he won by 3%.

In 2014, Greg Abbott became Texas governor by 20.4%. He just won re-election by 13.4%.

In 2012, Ted Cruz became Senator winning by 16%. On Tuesday Cruz won re-election by 2.6%.

The Texas population grew to 28.3 million by the end of 2017, an increase of almost 400,000 new residents. Almost 190,000 of that 400,000 came from net migration. Texas had the top 3, and 7 of the top 15, fastest growing cities in the nation for cities larger than 50,000. New Braunfels, Frisco, and Pflugerville. And many of these "carpetbaggers" are coming from N.Y., California, and Florida.

So I certainly believe Texas is becoming more left-leaning in recent years due to the migration of people from other, more liberal, states. I guess the good news is that Texas will be picking up more House seats after the next census. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Three of the largest population areas in Texas are Democrat. Houston, San Antonio, and El Paso.

While it is not making much National News, long standing County Judge of Harris County, Ed Emmet, just got defeated by a 26 year old political beginner. Straight ticket voting did him in in a County that is steadilly turning purple.

Emmet was a great County Judge. I hope this young Lady can fill his shoes in running one of the largest metro areas in the Country.
  • grean
  • 11-09-2018, 11:46 AM
I think the Trump effect had more to do with this election than anything else.

Lots of conservatives do not agree with Trump at all. Calling him a Republican or conservative as well is a slap I their faces.

SpeedRacer isn't the only registered republican who voted against the party.
  • grean
  • 11-09-2018, 11:47 AM
If republican law makers come back to actual conservatism, you'll see voters return as well.