Cops ‘at the breaking point’ turned their backs on Lightfoot, alderman says

  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2021, 08:10 AM

“Our police officers have been under siege, under-appreciated and thrown under the bus for the last year and a half,” said Ald. Matt O’Shea, whose 19th Ward on the Far Southwest Side is home to scores of police officers.

Chicago Police officers turned their backs to Mayor Lori Lightfoot because they are “at the breaking point” and believe “leadership across this country, across this city do not have their back,” an influential alderman said Monday.
Ald. Matt O’Shea (19th) is Lightfoot’s hand-picked chairman of the City Council’s Aviation Committee. It was a reward for his runoff endorsement of the mayor, which helped pave the way for her landslide victory over County Board President Toni Preckwinkle.
O’Shea also represents a Far Southwest Side ward where scores of police officers live.
That’s why he was not at all surprised by the cold shoulder Lightfoot got Saturday night from rank-and-file officers gathered on the 7th floor of the University of Chicago Hospital after the fatal shooting of Officer Ella French.
The officers were there to pray for French, 29, who was shot and killed during a traffic stop in West Englewood, and for her critically-wounded partner, still fighting for his life.
“They’re at a breaking point. Clearly, our police officers have been under siege, under-appreciated and thrown under the bus for the last year and a half. They feel — and rightfully so — that leadership across this country, across this city do not have their back,” O’Shea told the Sun-Times.
“Anybody who was working Saturday night as those calls came over the radio and they learned of what had happened to their colleagues — that’s a tipping point. And it’s a tipping point that many of us have been waiting to happen as the unbelievable violence we see in communities all across this city, where criminals have absolutely no regard for human life, no fear of the consequences of their actions. To shoot at point-blank range two Chicago police officers. We are a city in crisis.”
Chicago cops give cold shoulder to Mayor Lightfoot at hospital after two officers shot

Father of critically wounded officer struggling to get through ‘our darkest hour’

O’Shea was asked what message Lightfoot should get from the show of disrespect by rank-and-file officers and the tongue-lashing the father of the wounded cop gave her at the hospital.
“I would hope she gets an understanding that police officers across this city feel that leadership does not have their back. That’s what I’m hearing. That’s what I’ve been hearing for a long time,” the alderman said.
Noting that West Englewood residents assisted police officers in apprehending two of the suspects, O’Shea said: “The majority of people in this city support the police, want to see something done to send this pendulum back the other way. They’re sick and tired of the violence. Sick and tired of innocent children being murdered.”
Chicago’s violent night: CPD officer killed, another wounded; 2 mass shootings; multiple triple shootings

Far Northwest Side Ald. Anthony Napolitano (41st) has served the city as both a Chicago police officer and firefighter.
Like O’Shea, his constituents include scores of police officers.
Napolitano has clashed repeatedly with Lightfoot on police reform issues, most recently on the issue of civilian oversight.
But he does not believe the mayor alone wears the jacket for what happened to French and her partner.
“I never saw her as an anti-police advocate. But I will put this 550 percent on these socialists and these progressives in the City Council. This blood is on their hands, without a doubt,” Napolitano said.
“They’re the ones who created this whole anti-police movement that has made these brazen acts of violence against police officers [possible] — 39 this year alone. This is created by them. This whole defund and disrespect movement that they have started. These pieces of s--t are the ones that created this and talk anti-police. And they’re the ones begging for more police in their communities. They’re the biggest hypocrites. They disgust me.”
Mourning bunting hangs at Chicago Police Department headquarters on Monday. Officer Ella French, 29, was fatally shot Saturday during a traffic stop in West Englewood. Ashlee Rezin/Sun-Times Ald. Nick Sposato (38th) is a former Chicago firefighter whose Northwest Side ward is home to scores of Chicago Police officers. He’s one of the rank-and-file’s biggest defenders in the Council.
Sposato said the show of disrespect Lightfoot got from cops who are “hurting,” was understandable, but also “disappointing” and unjustified.
“People want to play the blame game. I don’t blame anybody for this. It’s the time and the culture,” Sposato said.
“I know first-hand that the mayor is not anti-police. I know what she tells me. Sometimes, maybe, she doesn’t show it as well in public.”
Although the unprecedented show of disrespect was directed at Lightfoot, Sposato said crime-weary Chicagoans are “mad at all politicians.”
“It’s not just her. It’s probably 45 of the aldermen. It’s the state’s attorney. It’s the chief judge. … If you’re an elected [official], you’re to blame because [of] this whole cancel culture and the lack of support by electeds for police officers. It’s not just in Chicago. It’s all over the place,” Sposato said.
“Two or three aldermen are always supporting the police. Some of ’em don’t bash the police, but they sort of sit on their hands. And some of the Commies are just constantly bashing the police and saying bad things about ’em and want to defund ’em. And we get lumped in with the rest of them.”
Public Safety Committee Chairman Chris Taliaferro (29th) called the cold shoulder that Lightfoot received “unfortunate,” “tragic” and unwarranted.
“I do not agree,” Taliaferro said.
“We can’t let that be our focus. We just can’t. You have a young lady 29 years old with only three years of service on the police department. That has to be our focus rather than on sensationalizing what might have happened at the hospital.”
A Chicago police procession drives by the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office early Sunday morning. The procession was in honor of Officer Ella French, who was shot and killed during a traffic stop in West Englewood Saturday night. Tyler LaRiviere/Sun-Times Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara has clashed with Lightfoot over all manner of law enforcement issues.
Catanzara said the mayor could easily have avoided the hospital confrontation.
“She was told, ‘Don’t come upstairs’ several times. I know that because I was downstairs in the E.R. when her people were told that the family did not want her upstairs. And she went up there anyway,” Catanzara said.
The father “expressed his views,” Catanzara said, telling the mayor she was to blame.
Catanzara couldn’t agree more. State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is “not the only problem here.” Lightfoot is equally to blame, he said.
“From no vehicle chases at all under any circumstances pretty much to … 13 pages of a foot chase policy — that’s all on the mayor. It’s stupid. And she’s been vilifying the police for two-and-a-half years now,” Catanzara said.
“Now, all of the sudden, she’s having a come-to-Jesus moment because she’s got John O’Malley as her deputy mayor? Nice enough dude, but enough is enough. Nobody’s buying it. She can say whatever the hell she wants and look like a hero. But she’s full of s--t.”
The mayor’s office issued a statement saying Lightfoot is singularly focused on “healing the wounds” and would “reject any and all [who] try to use this moment to drive further divisions in our city.”
“This is an extremely difficult and heartbreaking time for the Chicago Police Department, and for our entire city. The Mayor was present at the emergency room to offer support and condolences to the families involved and the hundreds of line officers and exempts who were there, which she did. In a time of tragedy, emotions run high and that is to be expected,” the statement said.
“The Mayor spoke to a range of officers that tragic night and sensed the overwhelming sentiment was about concern for their fallen colleagues. As the Mayor stated [Sunday], now is not the time for divisive and toxic rhetoric or reporting. This is a time for us to come together as a city. We have a common enemy and it is the conditions that breed the violence and the manifestations of violence, namely illegal guns, and gangs.”

Behind closed doors - beetlejuice lightfoot and her marxist cabal celebrated the further weakening of teh Chicago PD with a riotous LGBTQ centric celebration, with no 'holes barred".
rexdutchman's Avatar
I'm shocked they any CPD employees left
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Great read OP! I have some catching up to do around here
Little Monster's Avatar
Great read OP! I have some catching up to do around here Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Yeah because we are all some police backing, law abiding, model citizens around here. That's why we are all conversing on a board that is built around breaking the law!!!!!

Yeah because we are all some police backing, law abiding, model citizens around here. That's why we are all conversing on a board that is built around breaking the law!!!!!

Originally Posted by Little Monster
That doesn't mean you can't support the Police. Compensating a girl for a piece of ass isn't that big of deal, it sure isn't a violent crime. Do you think the violent crime in Chicago is a result of a lonely women and a thick necked loser getting together over a few bucks?
Little Monster's Avatar
That doesn't mean you can't support the Police. Compensating a girl for a piece of ass isn't that big of deal, it sure isn't a violent crime. Do you think the violent crime in Chicago is a result of a lonely women and a thick necked loser getting together over a few bucks? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Yeah, women do this because they're "lonely"..

boy you sure are intelligent let me tell you!
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Yeah because we are all some police backing, law abiding, model citizens around here. That's why we are all conversing on a board that is built around breaking the law!!!!!

Originally Posted by Little Monster

Let's not forget "YOUR Vows, Trust, etc." If ya wanna nitpick...
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Yeah, women do this because they're "lonely"..

boy you sure are intelligent let me tell you! Originally Posted by Little Monster

Hell naw, I have an amazing fulfilling personal life! I definitely do it for the money, I love owning everything

Have a great day and Happy Hobbying!

*Sorry OP, Back On Topic*
Little Monster's Avatar
Let's not forget "YOUR Vows, Trust, etc." If ya wanna nitpick... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO

Ok? I just find it hilarious when folks on here try to portray themselves as some law abiding, upstanding citizen on a board like this. If you ever get busted (which I honestly hope you don't) are you still gonna be all "pro police" and blue lives matter and all that good shit?

Hell naw, I have an amazing fulfilling personal life! I definitely do it for the money, I love owning everything

Have a great day and Happy Hobbying!
Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
Good honest answer. Good day to you as well.

Little Monster's Avatar
In the words of Ice-T,

rexdutchman's Avatar
San Fran SO - threating to leave over vaccine mandate and treatment Hmm
texassapper's Avatar
Ok? I just find it hilarious when folks on here try to portray themselves as some law abiding, upstanding citizen on a board like this. Originally Posted by Little Monster
So it's either or? You either never break a law if you support Law Enforcement, or you hate Law Enforcement if you do? Doesn't that sound I don't know... STUPID?

Again it's cute you getting to spend time online from Moms basement, but I have news for you Jr. People can break the law yet still support the enforcement of the law. Just because I break the speed limit does that make me an Anarchist?

That's the problem with you supposed intellectual Libertarians... very similar to Marx. It all sounds lovely in theory, but it doesn't last 5 minutes in the real world. If you had to live in the real world and not Moms basement you'd get that.
rexdutchman's Avatar
We are living in a twisted political world , LE are thugs , being defunded and disbanded the bad guy murders are victims ,, That folks is the liberal leftist way
What could go wrong ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  • oeb11
  • 08-11-2021, 08:23 AM
Ok? I just find it hilarious when folks on here try to portray themselves as some law abiding, upstanding citizen on a board like this. If you ever get busted (which I honestly hope you don't) are you still gonna be all "pro police" and blue lives matter and all that good shit?

Good honest answer. Good day to you as well.

Originally Posted by Little Monster

The government should not be in teh 'morality legislating business' - and DPSTs are in the thick of it in their zeal to control/regulate everything about life in america.

Yet DPSTs ignore the rampant violence, assault, rape, arson, murder of their own personal brownshirt nazi terrorists OBLM/antifa - who are fascist in their controlling way of their owners - the DPST party.

LM - You are - as usual - Hypocrtical in your 'pronouncements".
Red is the color of marxist communism - the center of the 'flag"!
Little Monster's Avatar
So it's either or? You either never break a law if you support Law Enforcement, or you hate Law Enforcement if you do? Doesn't that sound I don't know... STUPID?

pointing fingers at those who do not support murdering Pigs and wanting to hold them accountable, trying to make yourself look like some kind of model citizen, on board that is built on breaking the law makes one look, how do we say....hypocritic

Again it's cute you getting to spend time online from Moms basement, but I have news for you Jr. People can break the law yet still support the enforcement of the law. Just because I break the speed limit does that make me an Anarchist?

Gee more put downs and made up stuff from you. What a surprise. Are capable of disagreeing with someone without acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum? Talk about living with momma.

That's the problem with you supposed intellectual Libertarians... very similar to Marx. It all sounds lovely in theory, but it doesn't last 5 minutes in the real world. If you had to live in the real world and not Moms basement you'd get that. Originally Posted by texassapper

I'm not a libertarian they're conservative which is something I will never be. If you actually lived in the real world you would know that Pigs are just as corrupt and dirty as the Trump administration was. But, by all means please continue to display what a model citizen you are .