Google voice and no response

mulletman66's Avatar
I frequently try to use google voice as my texting app as a security measure but rarely get a response when i text ladies using my GV number. could this be a conflict with possibly their virtual numbers or do i just text a bunch of ladies not interested in responding?
I've seen google voice fail to deliver messages if they contain links to escort sites. Saw this happen in real time. I sent them a message to an ad on stg or something, and they don't get it. And then there is like a temporary mute put on your conversation where neither can message... it's weird.

Wouldn't put it past google to be reading your messages there anyway
I have had this happen many times, which is why I use multiple text apps and will text the same provider from 2-3 different numbers(slightly different message from each) just to see if one is not working, or she just isn't replying period. Also definitely have experienced delays with Google voice both sending and receiving messages, and it seems if I'm on wifi(not my own I never connect my burner to my house wifi or even turn it on at home) it works better for some reason even if im on 5g with 4-5 bars
FuckingCurious's Avatar
I use GV almost exclusively, and haven’t had a problem. I tend to reach out to touring providers, who seem to be a bit more responsive, as they aren’t doing this as a side hustle like many who stay exclusively local (which is totally understandable, and is more of an avg, many locals are quite responsive). I have had a problem with some providers who like to call you with the room number (Melanie McQueen, who is totally worth this little quirk). I haven’t been able to figure out how to make the calls go through. But I just call them back right away and it’s fine.
Well you have to give Google voice the permissions on your phone for one, which I refuse, or option 2, you can set it up to forward incoming calls to your burner or real phone and it shows up on your caller ID as your Google voice number which I saved as "Google voice #" so I know without having to remember